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06/28/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/28/1965 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1113`' <br />Lino Lakes Council Meeting of June 2$ was called to order at 8 :00 pm. <br />All members present. <br />Mr. Raymond reported on the use of the radar unit and recommended that <br />it be purchased for the village. Mr. Backlin motioned, and Anderson se- <br />conded that this purchase be made. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Next item considered was the application of Mr. Krech to operate a rid- <br />ing stable on Birch Street. Anderson reported that Mr. Krech has appear- <br />ed before the Planning Board on June 16th with the necessary petition <br />signed by his neighbors, and it was their recommendation that the permit <br />be granted. Damning suggested we attach to this special use permit a sti- <br />pulation that should the operation become a public nuisance, the permit <br />would be rescinded and all operations would cease. Mr. Krech agreed to <br />this, and Domning motioned we issue a special use permit for the riding <br />stable. Second by Zelinka, carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Derkson, representing the Lexington Softball team, inquired if a spe- <br />cial beer permit could be obtained for a tournament which they had tenta- <br />tively scheduled for the 14/15 of August. Since our own park board had <br />considered putting up a concession stand at the park, the matter was turn- <br />ed over to the Board, who will meet and make a recommendation at the next <br />meeting. <br />Daniel Flannigan, 64th Street, gave a detailed account of the house he <br />was building which he felt was adequate to meet the building code. Mr. <br />Domning stated that in view of Mr. Flannigan's explanation, it would ap- <br />pear the building permit could be issued, however, final approval was up <br />to the Building Inspector. <br />Minutes from the previous meeting were read with some corrections being <br />made. Motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, that the minutes be accepted <br />as corrected. Carried. <br />Treasurer's report was read and accepted. <br />Mr. Backlin reported the County Commissioners had met with the residents <br />of 7th Ave. who had the water problems, and it had been recommended a <br />Rice Creek Watershed be started. It was Mr. Backlin's feeling that since <br />part of the water problem comes from Ramsey County, that the Commissioners <br />from this area be included in future meetings. <br />Backlin reported on the confused state of affairs concerning 77th Street, <br />and motioned to have the engineer accompany him to inspect this area be- <br />fore any grading or surfacing would be started on this road. Motion was <br />seconded by Speiser, carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Backlin also reported that the chloride laid down on the roads two <br />weeks ago appeared to be working fine. <br />Mr. Speiser asked the officers if they would please check the park at <br />night, particularly until such time as the lights could be installed. <br />Speiser also reported the lawn mower was again in for repairs. John <br />Juleen knew of ,a good used mower, and he was instructed to buy it.(amount <br />mentioned was 15) Barrels for garbage in the park were also mentioned. <br />
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