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09/27/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/27/1965 Council Minutes
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12/30/2014 11:36:45 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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11. <br />Pursuant to the ma.nT, discussions the past six months on the excess water <br />situation in Lino Lakes, Dick Swanson, County Agent, was present to dis- <br />cuss a probable Rice Creek 1atershed. With Mr. Swanson were John Russell <br />Leonard Bullard, Jerry Kokowski and Curtiss Clinton, all of whom work in <br />the same field. Mr. Gallagher of the St. Paul Vater Works was also pre- <br />sent. Mr. Gottwald spoke on measures of control taken to date. Parti- <br />cipating in the discussion from the floor were Mr. Kelling, Mr. Proulx, <br />Mrs. Mishaud, Mr. Apitz and Mr. Raymond Brown. <br />After approximately two hours discussion on the above subject, the Mayor <br />moved we initiate a water study, gathering as much pertinent data as pos- <br />sible from all the professional people we can call upon, and that this <br />study be conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Funds for em- <br />ploying such professional help to be taken from general funds. Second <br />by Zelinka, motion carried. <br />Ralph Stewart and Gerald O'Brien of the North Central Public Service Co. <br />were present. They asked the Uouncil to consider a proposed franchise <br />for gas service and gave a detailed description of the background of the <br />company, and the services they could offer. The franchise was turned <br />over to the village attorney for study and the gentlemen were invited to <br />attend the next meeting of the Planning r>:;zoning Commission. <br />Two bids were received on the police car. Low bid was from Fairview <br />Plymouth for 42,100 and the second bid was from Midway Ford for 42,245. <br />Instead of a trade -in, the possibility of selling the car outright to <br />Centerville was discussed. Ross moved that for the record, we accept <br />the bids as received, with action tabled pending receipt of a firm bid <br />from Centerville. Second by Speiser. Motion carried. <br />Treasurer's report was read and accepted. <br />It was moved by Damning, seconded by Zelinka, that 4100 be transferred <br />from the general fund into the fire protection fund. <br />Ross moved the Clerk bill the Baldwin Lake Motel for ';375 for Special Use <br />Permit, in accordance with Ordinance 39. The Clerk was also instructed <br />to send bills to Ralph L'allier for 450 for 1 culvert, and to Marvin <br />Rehbein for 410, to cover the cost of spreading chloride on East Holly. <br />(1 manw /truck - 2 hours time). <br />Backlin moved we get one set of snow tires for the truck. Second by <br />Speiser, motion carried. <br />Backlin also moved that we grade that portion of 77th Avenue that be- <br />longs to the village. Second by Ross, motion carried. <br />Ross reported on the Planning and Zoning Committee meeting held on the <br />14th, and that the Board recommended certain amendments to Ordinance 21 -A <br />on platting. After discussing the changes with Mr. Locher, Ross moved, <br />with second by Backlin, that we adopt the ordinance as amended. Locher <br />also recommended a certified copy be filed with the Register of Deeds. <br />Domning reported that several persons residing in the SE corner of the <br />village had petitioned for closing that area to all guns, shooting or <br />hunting. Petition was turned over to Ross to present to the Planning <br />
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