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116 <br />and Zoning Board. <br />Motion by Domning, second by Backlin, that the following bills be paid. <br />Motion carried. <br />#404 '= Robert-Raymond, clothing allowance $ 5.00 <br />405 - Lena Billik, Caretaker fees 25.00 <br />406 - Elwood West, clothing allowance 5.00 <br />407 - Ernest Ludwig, rent 100.00 <br />Minutes( accepted <br />er 11, 1965, Clerk <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />The October 3rd meeting was called to order at 1 :00 p.m. Zelinka moved <br />that Mrs. Bernice Juleen be appointed Deputy Clerk through Wednesday, <br />October 6th, in Mrs. Zelinka's absence. Speiser seconded. Motion carried. <br />Centerville Village has offered $600.00 for our present police car, and <br />Domning moved we order the new car as quoted by Fairview Plymouth at <br />$2,510.00, with the provision that the bid meets the legal test. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Meeting adjourned 1:15 p.m. <br />Minutes acct <br />October 11, 1965, Clerk <br />The October llth meeting of the Lino Lakes Council was called to order <br />at 8 :00 p.m. All members except Dupre present. <br />Business meeting was convened for the hearing on special assessments. <br />Mr. Locher read the publication which included the amounts of the assess- <br />ments. Ross moved, with second by Backlin, that we accept this assess- <br />ment. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Minutes were read, and Ross asked that Gallagher's comments on the water <br />situation be included. Minutes were then approved on motion by Backlin <br />with second by Speiser. <br />Mr. Domning presented a petition signed by several people, stating the <br />Riding Stable on Birch Street had become a public nuisance and asked <br />that the special permit be rescinded. Several of the signers were in <br />the audience and discussed the situation with Mr. Krech, owner of the <br />horses. After this discussion, Domning moved we revoke the permit and <br />allow Mr. Krech 30 days to wind up his operation. Speiser seconded. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Martin of Springsted, Inc., presented a resume of his Company's <br />operation as Municipal Bond Consultants, and asked the Council to con- <br />sider appointing his firm for probable bond the future. Action <br />was tabled until first meeting in January when appointments are made. <br />