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10/25/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/25/1965 Council Minutes
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12/30/2014 11:42:26 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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118 <br />Meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. <br />Meeting reconvened at 11 :10 p.m. to appoint election clerks and judges: <br />It was moved by Domning, seconded by Zelinka that the following be <br />appointed: Mrs. Herb Miller, Mrs. John Juleen, Mrs. George Tauer, <br />Mrs. Helen Boxrud, Mrs. Virgil Beecher, Mrs. Jack Rector. The two <br />alternates named were Mrs. Jeanette Houle and Mrs. Jacquelin Gunderson. <br />Motion to above carried. <br />Motion readjourned at 11:25 p.m. <br />NOTE: When the above people were polled, Mrs. Juleen was unable to <br />serve. Three people had contacted the clerk and expressed interest <br />in serving, namely: Mrs. Ann Bohjanen, Mrs. Dorothy Heckenlaible <br />and Mrs. George Kleinschmidt. When contacted, in order, Mrs. Bohjanen <br />was unable to serve and Mrs. Heckenlaible did accept and serve. It <br />should have been noted above, that prior to this both alternates had <br />been contacted and declined to serve on the election board, thereby, <br />the clerk did use the names of those who indicated interest. <br />1 <br />Lino Lakes Council meeting of October 25 was called to order at 8;10 p.m. <br />All members present except Mrs. Dupre. <br />Minutes were read, and on motion by Speiser, second by Backlin, approved. <br />Motion carried. <br />Clerk reported that Dale's Cash and Carry had requested an off -sale <br />beer license for the former LeVessuer Store which he had purchased. <br />After discussion, Backlin motioned we table the matter for the time <br />being. Second by Speiser, motion carried. <br />Treasurer's report was given. <br />Backlin asked if the Village could get federal tax back on tires pur- <br />chased. The attorney will check on this. Mr. Locher was also asked <br />to determine if the road located just north of Luther's Sport Shop is <br />a village road. During the discussion on these roads, the attorney <br />recommended that any plowing, grading or other maintenance work done <br />in the future on private roads should be put on a fee basis. <br />Backlin reported that we have the same situation of determining how <br />much of Marshan Lane is to be considered a village road. The village <br />has in the past maintained this road up to the trees only. <br />Ross moved that Backlin meet with the engineer and the State to work <br />out a satisfactory agreement on West Rondo Lake Road, to restore it <br />to its original condition, the "original condition" to be decided by <br />the engineer. Speiser seconded. Motion carried. <br />1 <br />
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