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12/06/1965 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/06/1965 Council Minutes
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12/30/2014 11:44:25 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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125 <br />ity report was taking so long? Bill Bohjanen spoke next, and asked why <br />a paid representative of the Utility Company was writing a letter on <br />service and why private citizens from Circle Pines or the CP Council <br />couldn't speak on the gas issue and asked about qualifications and li- <br />censes of men working for the utility company? etc. <br />Other speakers were Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Heckenliable and other ques- <br />tions asked were on the ,;110,000 appropriated for Lino Lakes, when could <br />rest of the village expect to get gas, when tax returns would be available <br />from the utility company. etc. <br />Mr. Donovan, Pres. of North Central Public Service Co. read their letter <br />dated November 8 to the Council, and reiterated their position, they were <br />not interested in a split franchise at this time. <br />(Mr. Sander of Juran &. Moody was present at request of Mr. Gibas) <br />The question of the $110,000 was again brought up. but Mr. Sander could <br />not answer as to how the funds were spent. <br />John Parks of Circle Pines was present and spoke for himself and in be- <br />half of Mayor Hill. In answer to other questions asked, Gibas replied <br />that if the feasibility report was satisfactory, funds would be available <br />for extended service into Lino Lakes. <br />(Gibas made statement it cost thousands of dollars to run the feasibility <br />report and they did not want to do it unless they had assurance from Lino <br />Lakes that gas would be extended, also said they may do this over the <br />winter months. (Mr. Stewart of NuPS Co. stated their report had been com- <br />pleted in one week by one man.; <br />Pete Scherer asked how long it would be before the other end of the village <br />by Centerville would have to wait to get gas from Circle Pines? Audrey <br />Tauer asked if a representative from Lino Lakes would again be put on the <br />Board at the Utilities. <br />Mr. Donovan said they felt it would only cause trouble in the future to <br />split the village, not now, but in the future. Domning and others felt <br />competition would be good. <br />Question of different school districts were brought up in connection with <br />tax returns etc. Anne Bohjanen also asked about attorney general's op- <br />inion, if any, on collecting taxes from municipally owned and operated <br />utilities? (Locher mentioned #402 and 411 from 1960) <br />Discussion on gas franchise closed at 10:00 and the matter of rezoning <br />property near hugo for Marlin Rygh was discussed. Motion was made by <br />Downing that we hold the hearing on the rezoning at the January 11th meet- <br />ing, second by Zelinka. Carried <br />Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. <br />Mayor <br />
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