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01/10/1966 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/10/1966 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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January 10, 1966 meeting of the Lino Lakes Council was called to order <br />at 7 :30 p..m. by Mayor Domning. All members present. <br />Minutes were read, corrected, and on motion by Ross, second by Backlin, <br />approved as read. Motion carried. <br />Discussion was held with Mr. Burque and Mr. LaMotte of, Centerville regard- <br />ing the fire contract, with legal opinion being given. After the Centerville <br />Administration agreed to the deletion of the disputed sentences (last 2 <br />sentences in paragraph 4), Domning moved we accept the contract and rewrite <br />the first page. Second by Speiser,,motion carried. <br />The hearing on the Rygh rezoning was called to order, with Wally Nelson <br />representing the Phillips° "66" Company. The clerk attested the proper <br />postings had been made. Mr. Nelson stated the survey had been approved <br />by the State Highway and County Highway Departments, however, no work would <br />be started until the realigning of County Road 14 was completed. The clerk <br />is to itemize the costs involved for publications etc., and will send a <br />bill for the balance due, over and above $40. Ross moved approval of the <br />request, Speiser seconded, all members voted yes. <br />Ross moved that in the future the $40 fee be considered as a down °payment <br />for all those hearings which run higher, with the difference to be billed <br />to the applicant. Second by Domning, motion carried. <br />Mrs. Juleen was sworn in by Attorney Locher as Treasurer. Ross moved we <br />raise the bond to $30,000. Speiser seconded. On the vote, Ross, Backlin <br />Speiser and Zelinka yes. Domning no. <br />Domning moved the following appointments for 1966: <br />Roy Backlin as Acting Mayor for 1966. Speiser seconded. Motion carried. <br />Kenneth Bryant as Civil Defense Director for 1966, second by Backlin, carried <br />Ed Houle for Weed Inspector for 1966. Second by Backlin, motion carried. <br />Comment, was made that perhaps Mr. Houle would be retiring, but that he <br />might be able to suggest someone to train in his place. <br />Speiser moved we retain Centennial Bank as our Village Bank. Second by <br />Ross, motion carried. <br />Ross moved we reappoint Circulating Pines as the village newspaper. Backlin <br />seconded. However, before the vote was taken, discussion was heard from <br />the floor, with representatives from the Circulating Pines and Blaine Life <br />speaking in behalf of their papers. On the vote, Ross, Speiser and Backlin <br />yes. Domning and Zelinka did not vote. <br />Domning moved we retain Babcock & Locher as village attorneys. Second <br />by Backlin, carried. <br />Domning moved we appoint Waldemar Hill as Auditor and for accounting <br />services for the village for 1966. Speiser seconded. On the vote, Ross <br />and Backlin no, Speiser, Domning and Zelinka yes. Motion carried. <br />Ross moved we retain the firm of Milner Carley & Associates for our engi- <br />neering services, with George Gottwald acting as our personal representative. <br />Second by Backlin, motion carried. <br />
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