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#621 - Larson Oil Co., fuel oil <br />622 - Northwest Bell Telephone, regular service • <br />623 - Northern States Power, service <br />624 - Lena Billik, caretaker fees <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />625 - Ernest C. Ludwig, rent for Feb. <br />626 - Gordon's, general'supplies <br />Minutes acce <br />* * * * * * * * * <br />ebruary 14, <br />139 <br />53.99 General <br />6.55 <br />101.83 Gen & Pks <br />35.00 Parks <br />100.00 General <br />15.49 R&B <br />19 <br />Clerk <br />The February 14, 1966 meeting of the Lino Lakes Council was called to <br />order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Domning. Members present: Ross, Speiser <br />and Backlin. Clerk Zelinka absent. <br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected. Motion by Speiser <br />second by Backlin to accept minutes as corrected. Carried. <br />Treasurer's report was read. <br />Motion by Ross, second by Speiser that the clerk and treasurer purchase <br />2,500 treasurer receipt forms from Miller Davis Company, or elsewhere, <br />if a lesser quantity can be printed. Carried. <br />Mr. Gotwald reviewed a map from the Minnesota Highway Department consti- <br />tuting a general layout plan of the proposed Highway 35W. Council questioned <br />Highway 8 exits and entrances, elevations and drainage. Motion by Backlin <br />second by Ross, to ask for a drainage ditch from the 7100 block of Sunset <br />Avenue to the creek. Carried. Mr. Gotwald stressed the map was a general <br />plan and the Council would be able to approve a "construction plan" later. <br />Upon reviewing a proposed 35W bridge at County Road 14, it was noted three <br />residents would be affected by the lack of a service lane. Mr. Gotwald <br />stated that the highway department claims the department does not intend a <br />service road. Mr. Charles Cape, one of the land owners involved, stated to <br />the best of his knowledge, he had signed a settlement of house and property <br />and not roads. He understood there was to be a service road. <br />Motion by Ross, second by Backlin that Gotwald would contact Mr. McCubrey <br />of the state highway department and ask for his presence at the Council <br />meeting of February 28th with the residents concerned in the matter to be <br />in attendance. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Backlin reported on the down-grade condition of E. Holly and West <br />Rondo Roads. Backlin motioned to have Mr. Ralstead maintain E. Holly Road, <br />with a pony grader, as this would be more economical than Columbus Township <br />with their heavy equipment. No action was taken. <br />In a discussion regarding the contractor's responsibility in restoring <br />damaged village roads after their use as haul roads during the construction <br />of Highway 35E, Mr. Gotwald suggested the village post the roads for 3-5 <br />ton limits. At such time as the contractor contacts the village for an <br />over-load permit, the Council in turn could ask for a bond covering probable <br />damage of the roads to be used. Motion by Backlin, second by Ross, to post <br />