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02/28/1966 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/28/1966 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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142 <br />February 28, 1966 meeting of the Lino Lakes Council was called to order at <br />8 :00 p.m. All members present. <br />Mr. John Diffendorfer and Mr. J. F. Bergford from the Highway Department <br />were present with 2 sets of road plans for the Council to approve. The <br />first set discussed was for the service road, Rondo Lake Road, paralleling t <br />the highway on the east side of Main Street. Following the discussion, Mr. k <br />Backlin moved that we accept the plans with the stipulation that our <br />engineer contact Mr. McCubrey of the Highway Department and request that <br />the road receive one seal coat. Mr. Ross seconded, and the motion carried. <br />The second set of plans will be discussed later after the engineer's <br />office has had a chance to go over them. <br />The clerk reported on the letter from Dahinden's confirming the price of <br />$850 for the lot on Lakeview Avenue. A letter from the Lexington Fire <br />Department requesting a change in our contract was also read, and copies <br />will be made for all members of the Council for later discussion. <br />Treasurer's report was read. <br />Backlin reported that delivery of the truck had been temporarily held up, <br />but release would be effected in the very near future. <br />Backlin moved that we approve $5.00 an hour for the use of the tractor, <br />and $1,65 per hour for a man on the grader to Rolstad for the maintenance <br />work on E.`Holly Road. Second by Ross, motion carried. <br />Backlin also reported that the REA had come in and punched several holes <br />in the Lakeview area which appeared to be helping in the water runoff. <br />(work from 'REA should be billed at $17.50 per hour). <br />Speiser read a bid from the Fridley Office Supply for metal chairs, a <br />quantity of 52 for $3.65 each, plus an 8' rack. Ross moved with second <br />by Domning °that we purchase these chairs, Motion carried. <br />Minutes of`the last Planning and Zoning meeting were read, with recommen- <br />dations to the Council to consider: 1) drawing up an ordinance for the <br />control and protection of village roads, and 2) to contact the Highway <br />Department'for a study on the intersection of Highways 8 and 49. After <br />discussion on item 1, Backlin moved to have the engineer and attorney <br />work out a special bond permit to tie in with Ordinance 6 -C for protec- <br />tion of the roads, Second by Speiser, motion carried. In connection with <br />item 2, Ross moved we notify McCubrey of the Highway Department to institute <br />a study of this intersection, with the possibility of a T -type approach <br />being constructed for greater safety. Second by Zelinka, motion carried. <br />Ross read a letter from Bruce Nawrocki and urged all council members to <br />attend the meeting to be held on March 23 pertaining to the formation of <br />an organization of municipalities within Anoka County. <br />Ross also reported that the aerial maps ordered had been received, that <br />they were excellent maps and should be of great help to the Assessor, and <br />the Planning & Zoning Committee, as well as the village in general, <br />Locher reported that the title to the 2 lots purchased by the Village had <br />been received and filed, also that he would notify the insurance agent <br />for the necessary coverage, <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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