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143 <br />Locher also reported he had been contacted by Charles Weaver who repre- <br />sented a person who wished to set up a dump in Lino Lakes. Mr. Weaver <br />will be notified of the procedure to be followed. <br />Discussion was brought up about the water trouble on 64th and 20th Ave. <br />in the vicinity of the service road to the Burque and Hanson property. <br />It was felt the State should be responsible for the rebuilding in this area <br />since new construction is blocking the north/south road which has always been <br />open. Gotwald and Burque discussed the number of times they had talked <br />to the State Department about this situation. Ross indicated Commissioner <br />Fields was willing to help from a County angle, and felt a special meeting <br />should be called to discuss this problem. Gotwald will report further on <br />this situation at the next meeting. <br />Domning read a letter from the postoffice indicating that the designated <br />postoffice of Circle Pines should appear on village tationery. <br />Mr. Markinson in the audience discussed the 45-mile an hour signs by the <br />Lino Lakes School and questioned whether or not theycould be changed to <br />30. Backlin will discuss with the county for an answer. <br />Mr. Nathe questioned the Council about what they were going to do about <br />his "set up" license. Mr. Nathe was informed that clarification of the <br />law must be handed down by State Authorities, and that the Council will con- <br />form with the recommendation received from the State Liquor Commissioner. <br />Bohjanen asked if a report had been received from the Utilities Commission <br />on their progress to date. Also questioned the service agreement, and <br />the recent resolution passed by the Council. Rosengren briefly went over <br />the current financial statement and stated the number of customers signed <br />to date for the new gas lines extension. <br />Ross moved we pay the following bills, second by Backlin, motion carried. <br />#648 - Lino Lakes CD, miscellaneous supplies <br />649 - Suburban Communications, radio repair <br />650 - E. Ludwig, rent <br />651 - Bertelson Bros., offbe supplies <br />652 - Anoka County Surveyor, aerial maps <br />653 - Moga & Speiser, gas, oil and service <br />654 - Viking Steel Products, pipe <br />655 - Larson Oil Co., fuel oil <br />656 - Northern States, electricity <br />657 - Northwestern Bell telphone, regular service <br />658 - Village of Circle Pines, gas <br />659 - Mpls Typewriter Exchange, typewriter rental <br />660 - Lena Billik, caretaker fees and general supplies <br />661 - Circulating Pines, printing and publishing <br />662 - Interstate Lbr., general supplies <br />663 - Buettner Welding, welding supplies <br />664 - Al Dupre, building inspection fees <br />665 - Jack Rector, fire extinguishers <br />Meeting adjourned 11:00 p.m. <br />37.31 CD <br />7.50 R&B <br />100.00 Gen <br />19.65 <br />31.00 <br />29.75 R&B <br />92.40 <br />58.88 Gen <br />27.89 Gen & P <br />6.55 <br />26.60 Pks <br />22.50 Gen <br />48.87 Pks <br />62.10 Gen <br />172.35 Pks & <br />12.20 R&B <br />73.99 Gen <br />55.00 CD <br />Minutes accept <br />