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148 <br />Locher reported that the Village cannot legally donate any money to the <br />Little League, but can provide use of facilities, etc. <br />Ross reported a quorum was not present to hold the last Planning and Zoning <br />meeting, because of illness, however, asked if any opinion had been received <br />yet on the "set up" license for the "49" Club. Answer was no, but one is <br />expected very soon. <br />Ross also asked if another set of aerial maps could be purchased for use <br />by the Village engineer's office, since the other set is nearly always in <br />use and not too available. Maps will be o'dered and reimbursement will be <br />made by the engineering firm. <br />Locher was questioned on how many years records the village was required to <br />keep, and read the statute covering this storage. Bonds only need to be <br />held for six years, but vouchers, checks etc. should be held for 10 years. <br />Domning stated he had not finished the rough draft of a letter yet to the <br />Forest Lake School District, however, will be ready for the next meeting. <br />Proposed that the same letter also be written to the St. Paul Water Depart- <br />ment relative to turning the 10 acres for sale into a park. <br />Domning moved we approve the application from the Cegla's for a cigarette <br />license for 1966. Speiser seconded, motion carried. <br />Backlin moved we pay the following bills. Ross seconded, motion carried. <br />#683 - Municipal Court, (correction of check #677) <br />684 - Moga & Speiser, gas and oil <br />685 - Northern States Power, electricity <br />686 - Northwest Bell Telephone, regular service <br />687 - Greg Strohmeyer, gopher bounty <br />688 - Mrs. Richard LeTendre, gopher bounty <br />689 Herb Caron, gopher bounty <br />690 - Steve Friel, gopher bounty <br />691 - Roy Backlin, mileage <br />692 - Ernest Ludwig, rent <br />693 - Interstate Lbr., ax handle <br />694 - Farnham's, file cabinet and office supplies <br />695 - Bertelson Bros., office supplies <br />696 - Arsenal Sand & Gravel, sand <br />697 - Lena Billik, caretaker fees <br />698 - Larson Oil Co., fuel oil <br />699 - Commissioner of Taxation, 1st Qtr. state income tax <br />700 - U.S. Treasury Dept., 1st Qtr. Federal income tax <br />Minutes acc <br />$129.20 <br />27.45 <br />72.83 <br />6.55 <br />1.75 <br />11.25 <br />3.75 <br />1.00 <br />13.65 <br />100.00 <br />2.64 <br />72.69 <br />4.00 <br />52.39 <br />35.00 <br />29.24 <br />14.93 <br />102.61 <br />/11/66 Clerk <br />Lino Lakes Council meeting of April 11, 1966 was called to order at 8:00 pm <br />by Mayor Domning. All members present. <br />Mr. Vanelli and Mr. Lomar were present from Northern States, and explained <br />the change over in service that could be made within the next year, which <br />would mean better lighting and reduced cost for the village. The change <br />would be from incandescent to mercury vapor lighting, and the change over <br />would be made at no cost to the village. Additional lights will be installed, <br />2 on Rustic Lane, and 1 at the intersection of Gladstone and Sunset. <br />