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05/23/1966 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/23/1966 Council Minutes
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Lab <br />Lino Lakes Council meeting of May 23, 1966 called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Domning. <br />All members present. <br />Minutes were read, corrected and on motion by Ross, second by Backlin, accepted as read. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mayor Domning introduced Mayor Ed Ramsdall of the City of Blaine, who spoke on the <br />proposed Anoka County Municipalities Association. Although this is a volunteer group, <br />Mayor Ramsdall felt they could offer considerable help on problems arising with the <br />rapid growth of Anoka County. A copy of the proposed financing for the group was left <br />with the Council. <br />Mr. Shaughnessy and Mr. Hawkins were present from the East end of the Village to voice a <br />protest against allowing a public dump to be created in an old gravel pit. In support of <br />his protest, Mr. Hawkins stated he had talked to the St. Paul Water Department who were <br />opposed because of the proximity of the dump to Lake Meade. He felt the Highway Department <br />would voice an objection, if approached, because one bank of the pit would be the frontage <br />road for 35E. Mr. Hawkins also felt the Conservation Department and the Water Polution <br />Control would be interested in this situation if it were brought to their attention. <br />Mr. Ross replied the Planning and Zoning Board have already been approached by Mr. Herbst <br />and his Attorney, Charles Weaver, for permission to operate such a dump, however, the <br />matter has been turned over to the Water Polution Board, and nothing further will be done <br />until they make a decision. <br />The Clerk read a letter from the Northern States Agency stating the bond for the <br />Nathe Brothers had been reinstated and would be reissued on the due date of June 30th. <br />Locher explained he had investigated the original letter and now found the policy in <br />order covering the Nathe's with the required liquor liability insurance. <br />Ross inquired if an Attorney General's opinion had yet been received on the "set up" <br />license for the Nathe's. Locher replied that although nothing definite has been put <br />in writing, the opinion from the County Attorney's office is that a conflict still <br />appears to exist within the Liquor Commissioner's office, and the law itself is vague <br />to the point where if any business wishes to remain open on Sunday to serve set -ups, <br />that no disciplinary action will be taken. <br />Locher also read Section 4, Subdivision 3 of Ordinance 11 setting up fees for liquor <br />licenses, and recommended that it be corrected to indicate what fees will be charged <br />after 1966, and to also increase to a minimum of $50$100,000 on insurance protection. <br />Locher will prepare an amendment, which if passed at the June 13th meeting can still be <br />published and in effect by June 30th when the new licenses are issued. L'Allier <br />recommended the Council consider $100/$300,000 protection, as there was very little <br />difference in the premium for the amount of increased protection. <br />The Clerk read a resolution passed by the County concerning assessments on park areas. <br />Since this does not immediately affect the village, no action was taken. <br />The Treasurer passed out a written report on fund balances, and following discussion, <br />Ross moved, with second by Backlin, that we transfer $4,000 from General to Roads & <br />Bridges, until the June draw is received. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Juleen also requested that the audit books be corrected to show Mrs. Dupre as the <br />Treasurer during 1965. <br />Upon recommendation of Mrs. Juleen that (1) cancelled checks from 1930 to 1955, (2) <br />verified claim accounts from 1950 to 1953, (3) School survey records previous to 1940, <br />(4) election data from 1936 to 1940 and check stubs from 1955 to'56 be destroyed, <br />Locher drew up a resolution showing the Council's approval of such action. The Minnesota <br />Historical Society will be contacted to see if they are interested in the school survey <br />records. <br />
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