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08/08/1966 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
08/08/1966 Council Minutes
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1_68 <br />Lino Lakes Council Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. August 8, 1966. <br />All members present except Trustee Ross. <br />Two gentlemen were present from the Highway Department with a revision of <br />Plan #SP0280-03, approved earlier this year, to allow, for a two foot <br />raise of the freeway over approximately 8 of the 10 miles running through <br />this village. It was moved by Backlin, seconded by L'Allier, that we <br />approve the highway revision as recommended by Gotwald. Motion carried, <br />Mr. Freuler, Mr. Lynn and Mr. Snyder were present from AT&T requesting the <br />Council's permission to erect an aluminum pre-fab temporary tower up to <br />300 feet in height for the purpose of micro wave tests for communication <br />paths. The twoer would be erected on the County Line, east side of Center- <br />ville Road. The tests will take approximately 10 days to 2 weeks, and if <br />okay, will then request rezoning. Following discussion Domning moved we <br />approve the Request, (Special Use Permit #9), second by Zelinka, carried. <br />Backlin moved, with second by L'Allier that the minutes of the previous <br />meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. <br />Treasurer's report was read, final balance $26,829.99. Question was brought <br />up whether we should transferthe $4, 000 back to General from R&B previously <br />borrowed, however, since grading expenses were fairly heavy at this time, <br />it was decided to not do so. <br />Discussion was again held on the possibility of investing a portion of our <br />bank balance. Moved by Zelinka, that we invest $5,000 in $500 certificates. <br />Second by L'Allier, motion carried. <br />Moved by Backlin, second by L'Allier, that we procure a safe deposit box <br />at Centennial State Bank. Motion carried. <br />Backlin again discussed the situation on East Holly, and the obtaining <br />of an easement from Lundgren. Also felt Lundgren should be advised of <br />the possible future costs to him if the village should find it necessary <br />to place special assessments to cover road work. Backlin moved that the <br />engineer establish the east line, providing Lundgren will not give the <br />village the 33 feet needed for the road. Second by Domning, motion carried. <br />The Thies property on 77th was discussed, and Locher stated Mr. Fleming, <br />the attorney for Thies was attempting to set up a meeting for the week of <br />August 8th. L'Allier moved we have the engineer establish the correct <br />road bOundaries, however, holding up any further action pending the meeting <br />with Thies and his attorney. Second by Domning, motion carried. After <br />further conversation, L'Allier moved to have the following added to his <br />motion: "That if Thies will not dedicate the necessary footage and after <br />the engineer has established the center line, that Mr. Backlin move in <br />the equipment and rework the road in its present location." Also seconded <br />by Domning, motion carried. <br />Arnold Ficocello, address 7942 - 4th Avenue, protested the bill received <br />for the culvert installed, and stated he felt the situation wouIdbe much <br />better if the culvert were removed altogether. Backlin instructed Gotwald <br />to inspect the area and report at the next meeting. <br />L'Allier reported the Skyline Baseball League had asked for permission to <br />use the park on the weekend of the 13/14th, with overnight camping privi- <br />leges, and recommended we grant permission. Second by Backlin, carried. <br />
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