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169 <br />L'Allier further reported that he and Ross had met with two officials <br />of the St. Paul Water Department, Mr. Hamblin and Mr. Meuvisson. The Water <br />Department stated they would prefer to sell 7.8 acres (appraised at $550 <br />per acre) but retain to themselves the 3 acres furthest west (high ground) <br />although they would consider leasing the three acres. They also stated <br />they did not have any letter of intent from the Council, and L'Allier <br />moved that such a letter be written, but that we offer to lease under the <br />"31 fee for due consideration, etc." clause. Second by Backlin, carried. <br />Locher added that at the time he had discussed the possible purchase of <br />this land for a park with the same men at the Water Department, they had been <br />of the opinion they wanted only to lease, and had further stated they wanted <br />written assurance that the (1) surface of the park area would be returned <br />to its original condition, (including removal of buildings, etc.), 2) no <br />specific time limit would be set so that they could come in with a notice <br />to take over at any time, and 3) that the village would hold them entirely <br />blameless for maintenance of either the park or the road. <br />L'Allier reported he had recently been in the Centerville Park with some <br />of the Anoka County officials, and the county expects to begin road con- <br />struction into the park during the latter half of September. The clerk <br />read a resolution prepared by L'Allier after which he moved that Centerville <br />and Lino Lakes pass this resolution and forward to the proper County Board. <br />Second by Domning, motion carried. <br />Joe Davis, Sunrise Avenue, requested the Council's help to correct the <br />hazardous condition of the properties adjoining his, particularly the one <br />to the north, or the former Gower Residence, Windom Realty is the company <br />handling the sale of this property and Locher will contact them again before <br />the next meeting. <br />Backlin moved we pay the following bills, second by L'Allier, carried. <br />#889 - Lena Billik, caretaker fees <br />890 - Roy Backlin, mileage <br />891 - Crowley Fence, park backstops <br />892 - Jean's Implement, small tools <br />893 - Gopher Stamp & Die, firearm signs <br />894 - Babcock & Locher, legal services <br />895 - Buetneer Welding, cleaner and gas <br />896 - Anoka County Union, ad <br />897 - Interstate Lumber, lumber <br />898 - Columbus Township, blading <br />899 to,, League of Minnesota Municipalities, 1967 fee <br />900 - Municipal Court - July costs <br />901 - Steven Friel, gopher bounty <br />902 - Ricky Kline, gopher bounty <br />903 - Jerry Wilson, gopher bounty <br />904 - Tom Stohmayer, gopher bounty <br />905 - Oskey Bros., gas, oil and fire extinguisher <br />906 - M&I Auto Parts, miscellaneous supplies <br />907 - Acme Typewriter, rental (while mine was bqing cleaned) <br />908 - NSP, electricity <br />909 - Centerville Garage, repair <br />910 - Moga & Speiser, gas, oil and parts <br />911 - Eugene Hauer, mowing <br />912 - Roy Baclin, mileage <br />913 - Rosengren Trenching, clay fill <br />914 - Circulating Pines, printing <br />915 - Bruce Fleming, dogcatcher fees <br />916 - Northway Hardware, cement <br />35.00 <br />16.55 <br />355.00 <br />16.30 <br />78.90 <br />341.92 <br />7.50 <br />2.00 <br />14.31 <br />570.00 <br />187.00 <br />137.73 <br />1.00 <br />2.00 <br />1.25 <br />2.00 <br />77.50 <br />41.19 <br />9.50 <br />70.83 <br />9.50 <br />32.72 <br />4.95 <br />26,70 <br />70.00 <br />55.8o <br />117.00 <br />20.96 <br />