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1 <br />1 <br />Richard Matzke questioned the Council about the ditches that need cleaning, <br />and specifically pointed out 4th Avenue. Discussion was held on the 10% <br />factor of the original cost of the ditch which can be appropriated by a <br />village for such cleaning. However, in the case of Lino Lakes, this would <br />amount to approximately $400 for between 5 and 6 miles of ditches, which <br />would be very insufficient. Ross felt we should initiate legislative <br />action which is the only way the ditch law can be changed. Domning requested <br />Locher to look into the situation and report at the next meeting. <br />William Cooper, President of Aqua Floats, Inc., inquired about puchase of <br />the 10 acres immediately adjacent to the Surfside Seaplane Base, to move <br />a small manufacturing plant into the village. It was arranged for Mr. Cooper <br />and Mr. Claggett, the General Manager, to meet with the Planning and Zoning <br />Committee on Wednesday, September 21, for further information. <br />Clerk read a letter from the Municipal Court informingus that in the future <br />the billing on court costs will be done on a quarterly basis. <br />Clerk also turned over to Locher for examination the Certificate of Insur- <br />ance from North Central Company. <br />Ross reported that Commissioner Kordiak is conducting a meeting on Tuesday <br />morning, September 13th, concerning our resolution and the maintenance on <br />the county line road being taken over by the County. <br />Backlin reported the bridge on County Road 14 was reportedly to be finished <br />within a month, however, personally felt it would be closer to two months. <br />Gotwald the survey crew have surveyed and established the line on 77th St., <br />adjacent to the Theis property. The edge of the road is about 122 feet onto <br />the Thies land, and if an extra rod were purchased, would still be approxi- <br />mately 4' short. Backlin did not feel the village should purchase more <br />than the 1 rod. It was moved by L'Allier that Locher draw up the neces- <br />sary deeds showing the variance from the 66', and to pay Mr. Thies for <br />the property purchased.. Easements from the north and south owners should <br />also be obtained. Second by Ross, motion carried. <br />Backlin reported that Charles Cape has requested the service road on the <br />south side of 35W, (east of County Road 14) be gravelled. <br />The 800' approaches on either side of the bridge on 80th Avenue are in <br />very bad condition, however, contractor is to return the road to its original <br />condition, after which Schuh will gravel. It was moved by Backlin, second <br />by L'Allier, that Gotwald issue a 1 -day authorization for the concrete mix <br />to be hauled in to finish the job. Motion carried. <br />Bids were requested for sodding on Lakeview Avenue, however, only one bid <br />was received from Glenn Rehbein. Following discussion, Ross moved we have <br />this project proceed and Backlin and the engineer to delete that section <br />of the bid not feasible. Second by L'Allier, motion carried. Backlin stated <br />that portions of Section 2 and 3 would be followed for the present, with <br />Section 1 of the bid being tabled. The engineer qualified the bid as being <br />fair and reasonable in the prices quoted. <br />Ross reported the next Planning and Zoning meeting will be September 21st. <br />Also felt we should set up the budget meeting and a meeting to negotiate <br />the new fire contract with Lexington as soon as possible. <br />