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176 <br />The clerk passed on information from Attorney Locher that the openings would <br />be for three trustees, respectively for 2 three-year terms and 1 two-year <br />term, and those persons filing should designate which term they were <br />filing for. <br />Treasurer's report was read, with balance at $11,031.76, plus $10,000 <br />in bank certificates. <br />Mrs. Sarner requested the Council consider purchase of a Calculator to aid <br />in her work. Purchase of this equipment will be looked into. She also <br />asked to have the Council consider having a copy made of the 6 field books <br />and have this information available for village purposes after the origi- <br />nals are turned back to the County. The cost of this copying, plus the <br />hard covers, would be an expenditure of approximately 75.00. Ross moved <br />we purchase this copy with the covers, second by Backlin, motion carried. <br />Backlin reported the County Commissioners have okayed our request, and the <br />County Engineer is to arrange for a meeting for all the villages and the <br />Commissioners to discuss the splitting of the maintenance work on county <br />roads. <br />Backlin requested the engineer to investigate 80th Avenue, which is being <br />used as a haul road by Schuh, and moved to have Gotwald issue the neces- <br />sary permit to haul gravel. Second by L'Allier, motion carried. <br />Ross had the minutes of the previous Planning and Zoning meeting read. <br />He also reported that he felt the gentlemen who attended the Planning <br />meeting from Aqua Floats, Inc., were pleased with the information which <br />they received relative to the building of a small manufacturing <br />the village. <br />Ross reported that William Herbst and his Attorney, Mr. Gibbs, were at <br />the last Planning meeting to request a permit to operate a land fill <br />dump near Lake Amelia. In view of the petition presented against the <br />dump, he felt Mr. Herbst and his attorney should appear before theCouncil. <br />L'Allier discussed the bids received a year ago for a multiple use black- <br />topped area in the parks. A bid from S&H for a 60 x 120' area at a cost <br />of 1,088 has been checked by the engineer. It was moved by L'Allier that <br />these areas be installed as early in the spring as possible. Second by <br />Ross, motion carried. L'Allier also stated that the Park Association, at <br />least for the park on Sunrise, had indicated a willingness to construct <br />some kind of a fence around the blacktop area in the park. <br />Some excavating work, supervised by the engineer, had been done in the <br />Park on Highway 8 and it is hoped to be finished with the new backstops in <br />before winter. This area was also readied for a good skating rink for this <br />winter. <br />L'Allier, with Mr. LaCasse, had looked again at the land which Miller has <br />for sale. Only about 6 or 7 acres appear to be high land (out of approxi- <br />mately 30 acres for sale) and the price is $550 per acre. <br />Ross moved we pay the bills, second by Damning, motion carried. <br />Backlin moved we add to the ballot in November the following: "That begin- <br />ning January/67 the Trustees and the Mayor be paid at a rate of $50.00 <br />per month." Second by Ross, motion carried. <br />