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02/07/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/07/1967 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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196 <br />Feb. 7, 1967 meeting continued: <br />Mr. Bohjanen motioned to accept this audit review and to plan a meeting <br />to study it more thoroughly. Seconded by Rosengren. Votes are as follows: <br />Rose gren, Aye; L'Allier, Aye; Ross, Aye; Bohjanen, Aye. Carried <br />A request ras made by the clerk-treasurer to transfer $5,000 of our <br />savings cert ficates into the general accunt. A motion was made by <br />Bohjanen, stiplating that the $5,000 be replaced as soon as possible, <br />a .d that the transfer be made. Seconded by L'Allier. Rosengren, Aye; <br />L'Allier, Aye; Ross, Aye; Bohjanen, Aye. Carried. <br />The re-ort by the persoinel review board for the applications of Clerk- <br />Treasurer vas read, with the following persons recommended to the <br />council in the order of their qualifications; Norman Miller, June <br />Emerton, Donald Anderson and Edna Sarner. <br />Mr. Kelling rose from the floor requesting to read a letter from Mrs. <br />Juleen. Mr. Jaworski called this as being out of order as Mrs. Julan <br />hadn't applied for the post prior to the closing date which was <br />approved by the council. Mr. Ross then interjected that the council <br />as ally to give consideration to the applicants and had the right <br />to accept or reject them. <br />Mr. Locher then read and advised that the ordinance provided the <br />council with their choice or personnel. <br />Mr. Ross then read from a script that he wanted Mrs. Juleen to be <br />Clerk-Treasurer, as the Village had invested over $500.00 to train <br />her in the position as Treasurer for the year 1966. He also said she <br />wo ld be available 95% of tne time. He recommended Mrs. Juleen with <br />Mr. "Ii'ler to be Deputy Clerk if he so wished. <br />Mr. Bohjanen, 7-o has orked on the Persoinel Board in thepast <br />motioned that the review board recommendations should be accepted. <br />Mr. L'Allier in sec-)ading t,is motion stated he felt the applicants <br />for this job should receive consideration. <br />At this point, Mr. Kelling read the letter from Mrs. Juleen in which <br />she said se 7.0,1d serve ia the capacity of Clerk-Treasurer, but if <br />there were disseatioa about her anplying, she would withdraw her name <br />from the list of eligibles. <br />A vote ras Lor taken whether to accept the review board's recommenda- <br />tions. Rosengren, Nay; Ross, Nay; L'Allier, Aye; Bohjanen, Aye. Motion <br />lost Mr. Ro s appointed Mrs. Bernice Juleen as Clerk-Treasurer. <br />Mrs, Bohjanen asked fr-,1 the floor if the acting mayor can appoint <br />this manier. The answer to this came frol Mr. Locher, who said, <br />"TheA a vacancy is fi led as acting Mayor, and there is a tie vote, <br />the mayor may cast the decidilg vote." He then quoted from our <br />Ordinance #20, Rule 2-"In the absence of the mayor, the acting mayor <br />or temporary chairman shall have the same priviledges as other <br />members." Then he read the MiLlesota Statute 412.121 stating that <br />if a vacancy of office of a person appoi_ted Jan. 1, is open, the <br />vacancy shall be fi led in 60 days. The mayor shall fill the vacancy. <br />Mr. Locher said re cold get an opinion of the Attorney General, which <br />-ould take a -roximately 9 weeks, and would require a motion to be <br />made, sealed ':itn the Village seal to certify the request before he <br />co4ld make tnis query of the Attorney General. <br />
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