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02/07/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/07/1967 Council Minutes
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1/2/2015 11:37:33 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />197, <br />(Feb. 7th Cont.) <br />Mr. Heckenliable asked from the floor, to investigate the legality <br />of a four man council. He also said Mrs, Juleen didn't want the job <br />before the death of Mr. Domning. <br />Mr. Locher said to alleviate the situation the council should <br />appoint a new mayor during the 60 day waiting period. <br />Because Mr. L'Allier was forced to leave because of other commit- <br />ments, Mr. Ross moved that Mr. L'Allier be named as acting mayor <br />(or council chairman in Ross's absence). Seconded by Rosengren. <br />Bohjanen stated that the attorney just read our ordinance <br />sayi:Lg that tie remainiig councilmen shall a--oiat one of their <br />number to chair tne meetings. The vote was taken; Rosengren, Aye; <br />Ross, Aye; Bohjanen, Nay. 'lotion carried. <br />Froa the floor, Mr. Klepel said he thought it unusual that two <br />votes go to one Ilan. <br />Mrs, Bohjanen asked for Mrs. Juleen's qualifications and that she <br />fi 1 oat an aP-lication to be part of public record. Mr. Ross said <br />that Mrs. Zelinka would give the requested qualifications, and he <br />felt that Mr. Hill's comments were sufficient to accept Mrs. Juleen. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked that the people be aware of the qualificattns <br />of Mr. _-rman Miller, and requested Mr. orally state his <br />capabilities Mr. -a ler rose to say he had 17 years of office <br />ex-erience with the orthern Pacific Railroad, took shorthand, <br />cold operate copy machines, is a stenographer, has taken lessons <br />in and performed accounting. He feels an injustice was done by <br />the appointment of Mrs. Juleen over the a plicants who were intel,- <br />ested enough to take time out to er-1y as prescribed. <br />Mrs. Heckenliable asked if t-o members from the same family a)uld <br />legally hold such high paying jobs. She received no answer. She <br />also reviewed that 'Irs. Juleen said she'd withdraw if there were <br />disseltion, and feels she should do so. Mr. Ross said there was <br />no point to argue as he had a-pointed Mrs. Juleen and the matter <br />is closed. <br />Mr. Heckenliable as advised by Mr. Locher that Special Legislation <br />would be necesFary (and remote) to have a special election for Mayor. <br />Mr. Locher said that Mt. Ross is may for 60 days. <br />Motion to adjourn was made at 8:15 PM by Mr. Rosengren. Secondby <br />Mr. Bohjanen. Ross, Aye; Rosengren, Aye; Bohjanen, Aye. Motion <br />carried. <br />Minutes approved Febraary 13, 1967 <br />
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