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02/13/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/13/1967 Council Minutes
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198- <br />2 -13 -67 <br />Regular meeting vas called to order at 8:00 PM with Acting Mayor Ross <br />and Messrs, Bohjanen, L'Alli r and Rosengren present. <br />Mr. Ross announced that Clerk Bernice Juleen has resigned. Mr. <br />Rosengren moved that Norman Miller be appointed Clerk. Mr. Ross <br />seconded motion and it passed unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier made motion that Mr. Ross be appointed Mayor for the <br />Year 1967. Seconded by Mr Rosengren. Vote: Rosengren and L' Alder <br />Aye; Bohjanen Nay. Mr. Ross did not vote. Motion carried. <br />Motion made by Ir. Ross that Andrew Cardinal be appointed to council. <br />Sec -nded by Mr. L'Allier. Mr. Heckenliable asked to be heard from <br />the floor with a petition for Lyle Carpenter. Petition accepted by <br />Clerk. Vote takes on Mr. Cardinal and motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Ross stated Deputy Clerk would be appointed on February 27th. <br />Messrs. Cardinal, Ross and ',Tiller sworn in. Minutes readand appoved <br />as corrected. <br />1 <br />Mr. L'Allier discussed the Anoka County Court Bill and made motion <br />that Lino Lakes Vil age goes on record to oppose the bill as it now <br />reads. Mr. Bohjanen seconded. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. `'Allier made motion that Lino Lakes goes on record with members <br />of Legislature that ve oppose the Metro Bill. Seoonded by Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Ross asked for Mr. Bohjanen's report. Mr. Bohjanen stated <br />he /rill be -- orking vrith the Centennial Jaycees. Mr. Bohjanen reported III <br />he -as forming a committee to be known as the Community and Business <br />Development Commission and asked for council approval of the foliwing <br />people: Lee Robinson, Richard Lichtscheidl, Harold Hanson John Wright, Mr. Julia Faymoville, Mrs. Audrey Tauer, Mrs. Vivian Rehbein, Clifford <br />Ross, Irvin Zastrow, Mrs. Sally Michaud, Charles GottR1aldt, Ri.rd <br />Zelinka and Ralph Nathey. Motion made by Mr. Bohjanen, secondd by <br />Mr. L'Allier. Passed unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen attended meeting on county police protection. Lino Lakes <br />cost would be $21,000, and we would have no morepatrolling than we <br />now have. He felt the cost - -as too high. Mr. Bohjanen aggestd that <br />our police force keep records of the time spent at the Treatment Cate. <br />Mr. Ross stated we should find out the costs and ask theState Legisla- <br />ture for reimbursement. Mr. Raymond said they will keep records. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported more hours are being consumed for plowing this <br />year. He suggested people help the crews by removing cars and by <br />not plowing their snow onto the street. Mr. Rosengren suggested <br />the Village purchase their own pump for gasoline. Mr. Rosengren <br />and Mr. Backlin reported troubles Village plows were having on <br />Sunrise near St. Joseph Church. <br />Mr. Gotwald reported he attended a sewer meeting with Centerville <br />and told them Lino Lakes has no plans for sewer in the souther' <br />part of the village. <br />Mrr. Locher asked that the Village inform him of any new purchase of <br />equipment for insurance reasons. <br />
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