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06/12/1967 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06/12/1967 Council Minutes
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223. 0.� <br />Mr. Tom Anderson appeared before the Council. Nair. Gotwald explained what had to be <br />done by Mr. Anderson, and Mr. L'Allier made a motion that Mr. Anderson appear before <br />the next P&Z meeting on June 21st, and if the P&Z approves a variance to Ord. 21 -A <br />at their June 21st meeting on the following parcels of land: <br />III 401 Andall <br />That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 31, <br />Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as beginning at the Northwest corner thereof; <br />thence South along the West line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter a dis- <br />tance of 150 feet; thence deflecting to the left 91° a distance of 133 feet; thence Nord <br />parallel to the West line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter a distance of <br />150.14 feet, more or less, to the North line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest <br />Quarter; thence West along said North line a distance of 133 feet, more or less, to the <br />point of beginning, subject to an easement over the West 33 feet and over the South 33 <br />feet thereof for public road. <br />403 Andall <br />That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 31, <br />Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as beginning at the Northwest corner thereof; <br />thence South along the West line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter a dis- <br />tance of 150 feet; thence deflecting to the left 91° a distance of 133 feet to the <br />actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be herein described; thence continu- <br />ing East along the last described line a distance of 100 feet; thence North parallel <br />to the West line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter a distance of 150.25 <br />feet, more or less, to the North line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter; <br />thence West along said North line a distance of 100 feet; thence South a distance of <br />150.14 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, subject to an easement over the <br />IIISouth 33 feet thereof for public road. <br />405 Andall <br />That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 31, <br />Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as beginning at the Northwest corner thereof; <br />thence South along the West line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter a dis- <br />tance of 150 feet; thence deflecting to the left 91° a distance of 233 feet to the <br />actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be herein described; thence continuing <br />East along the last described line a distance of 100 feet; thence North parallel to the <br />West line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter a distance of 150.36 feet, <br />more or less, to the North line of said Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter; thence <br />West along said North line a distance of 100 feet; thence South a distance of 150.25 <br />feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, subject to an easement over the South 33 <br />feet thereof for public road.; <br />the Village of Lino Lakes hereby grants a variance to Ord. 21 -A, however, on any future <br />development of this property or surrounding property a topography map of these lots and <br />surrounding area that is being developed as well as all necessary engineering tests <br />must be presented to the P&Z before any future approval will be granted. <br />Mr. Rosengren made a motion to pay the bills as rendered. Mr. Cardinal seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />t Motion was made by Mr. Ross to adjourn at 10:20 PM. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Bills. <br />1345 Milton Jorgensen <br />1346 Tommy Hagen <br />1347 Greg Nutter <br />1348 Debby Wenzel <br />5.'i5 <br />2.75 <br />0.5 <br />', 5 <br />
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