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07/26/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/26/1967 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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234 <br />vehicle report sheets, adding cost for parts, transfering these to purchase orders and <br />the permanent file, monthly or bimonthly, that the Clerk keep a running total on the <br />equipment; this to be effective August 1, 1967. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Drivers and Laborers <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion to accept the recommendation that drivers and laborers draw <br />the same wage of $2.35 per hour with the stipulation that all employees be qualified <br />(chauffer) drivers; this to be discussed at the budget meetings and effective Jan. 1, <br />1968. Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. Vote: Aye, Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. <br />L'Allier, No, Mr. Rosengren and Mr. Ross. <br />Road Superintendent. <br />Mr. L'Allier made a motion to accept the recommendation that the superintendent should <br />be present on all jobs that require supervisory work. It should be the responsibility <br />of the superintendent to arrange for a time sheet for each employee which shcald be <br />turned into him after each day's work; the superintendent would in turn give a cppy to <br />the Clerk for filing. These time sheets should include name, date, time started at the <br />Village Hall, time ended at the Village Hall, road or area worked on, truck number if he <br />was a driver. It should be the responsibility of the Road Superintendent to see that <br />all village equipment is returned to the Village Hall unless it is left at the work site <br />for the next day. This would become effective August 1, 1967. Also, they should con- <br />tinue using the present time slips, giving them to Mr. Backlin (the Personnel Commission <br />should get together with Mr. Backlin to make new time slips) get a slot- holder for slips <br />labeled with their names, punch in and out at Hall with slips to be left at Hall. Also, <br />slips should be picked up by the Tuedday before each Council Meeting and given to the <br />Clerk. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried. <br />Building Inspector <br />The Council decided to accept the recommendation that as the inspector receives 2/3 of <br />the cost of the building permits and is eligible for mileage, giving him an hourly wage <br />for posting notices is out of the question. However, at the budget meetings they will <br />look into the matter of raising mileage from 7 1/2/ per mi. to 10/ per mi. <br />Clerk and Deputy Clerk <br />Mr. L'Allier made a motion to accept the recommendation to raise the wage of the Deputy <br />Clerk from $1.65 per hr. to $2.35 per hr. effective Jan. 1, 1968, also to grant mileage <br />to both Clerk - Treasurer and Deputy Clerk effective August 1, 1967, at the rate of 7 1/2/ <br />per mi. for extra travel only, not for meetings or special meetings. Seconded by W. <br />Ross. Carried unanimously. <br />Police Insurance <br />Mr. Bohjanen made a motion to accept the committee's recommendation that as the police <br />are covered under Workmen's Compensation, which has an adequate death benefit, there is <br />no reason for adding extra financial burden to the Village. Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Ross took the Chair for the meeting with the Park Board, thanking the Personnel <br />Commission for their fine work. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that Herb Miller was asking $500 per acre for his 32 acre plot on <br />Reshanau Lake and had other interested buyers. He apparently was willing to carry the <br />mortgage for 10 yrs. at 4% interest. Discussion followed. Mr. Bohjanen made a motion <br />to give Mr. L'Allier and the Park Board immediate authority to negotiate and discuss <br />long -range plans on the proposed park land with Mr. Miller. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />It was mentioned that there was a stucco house on Suicide Corner, now being used by the <br />State Highway Dept., which might be moved into Sunrise Park for use by the caretaker. <br />The Park Board will look into this. <br />
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