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11/13/1967 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/13/1967 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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251.= <br />The regular meeting of the Village of Lino Lakes was called to order at 8:00 PM, Nov. 13, <br />1967, with all members present. <br />Minutes of the October 23, 1967, Village meeting read. Motion made by Mr. Rosengren to <br />IIIaccept minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried. <br />Minutes of special meeting of November 8th read. Motion made by Mr. Bohjanen to accept <br />minutes as read. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Motion carried. <br />Mr. L'Allier reported that the pump at Sunrise Park had been installed and that a new <br />roof was put on the house. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that a lawsuit against Lino was still pending regarding the gas <br />issue. Mr. Locher will try to have this lawsuit dropped. <br />Mr. Leo Peppin's daughter, Mrs. Robert Warner of 381 Chesnut, represented Mr. Peppin <br />and informed the Council that she and her husband would be taking over the property on <br />Rolling Hills Drive and will try to have it cleaned up by the 27th of November. <br />Mr. Rosengren made a motion that both the police dept. and bldg. inspector check on <br />this property and report back at the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion <br />carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that the C&BDC chose the motto for the signs as "Gateway to the Twin <br />Cities." Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that we accept this motto. Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated the C&BDC would be planning a brochure for the Village explaining the <br />IIIadvantages, also a growth chart of what we want in the area. Mr. Bohjanen stated Mr. <br />George Loss met with the P&Z regarding the motel he wished to move into the area bordered <br />by Hwys 326 and 8. Mr. Cardinal stated Mr. Loss told him he may move the motel into <br />Roseville. Mr. Ross stated, if no objections from the Council members, the Council will <br />meet with the P&Z on Nov. 15th to discuss Mr. Loss! request. <br />Mr. Rosengren discussed the roads and informed the Council that gravel had been applied <br />to 80th, rth and Holly; also that the bridge on Aqua Lane had been repaired. Mr. Rosen - <br />gren stated he had purchased a weed burner and that the snow fence had arrived that they <br />ordered last year. He will check further on a spray truck and a gas tank for the Village. <br />Mr. L'Allier made a motion that we check with both the County and Centerville and try to <br />have road plowing switched around on Centerville and Peltier so that Lino or Centerville <br />which previously had done just spots on these roads with the County might do a longer <br />stretch with the switch. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Ross stated that the Road Dept. should check on Peltier with the intent to straighten <br />out the road next year. <br />P&Z Board minutes read. Report from P&Z read regarding the landfill on the property of <br />Donald Lundgren. The vote by the P&Z was tied so no recommendation was made. <br />Mr. Rosengren spoke on what he and Mr. Lundgren planned to do on thi,,property. Mr. <br />Elmer Huset, Asst. Gen'l Manager of St. Paul Water Dept, told the Council of the evils of <br />. dumping raw garbage and industrial wastes into this area and felt that this operation <br />IIIwould not be beneficial to the St. Paul Water Dept. or the residents in that area who <br />have to depend on well water. Mr. Clayton Boch of the Mpls. Water Dept. also spoke in <br />behalf of his Dept. Apetition with over 70 names of nearby residents was presented to <br />the Council opposing the landfill. Mr. Bohjanen made a motion that the Village of Lino <br />Lakes deny the request of Mr. Rosengren and Mr. Lundgren to rezone this land as commercial <br />as this area is more valuable for building sites, and due to the Apposition of the people <br />living in this area deny their request to operate a landfill. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />
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