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COUNCIL MINUTES November 24, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />91 <br />92 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve Resolution No. 14-137 as presented. Council Member <br />93 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />94 <br />95 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />96 <br />97 4A) Public Safety Department Update- Chief Swenson updated the council. He noted that they <br />98 just witnessed (at the beginning of this meeting) changes within the department; it is positive to have <br />99 the restructuring work done and to move ahead. Regarding the new fire station project, bids will be <br />100 received in January so development of the station is moving along ahead of schedule. On <br />101 recruitment of fire personnel, he noted that a number of staff recruits are five weeks into training and <br />102 doing very well. The department is in the process of doing backgrounds and extending job offers to <br />103 new paid on call firefighters; recruitment efforts will continue. On the matter of new equipment, he <br />104 said that his staff is looking throughout the nation for good used equipment of the type that is needed <br />105 and will explore grant options for costs. He noted that some minor improvements to the Police <br />106 Department are planned so that additional gear can be stored as needed; staff is taking a thrifty <br />107 approach by using shelving provided and installed by the Public Works staff. <br />108 <br />109 Mayor Reinert thanked Chief Swenson for his work. <br />110 <br />111 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />112 <br />113 There was no report from the Public Services Department. <br />114 <br />115 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />116 <br />117 6A) Lino Lakes Development aka White Pine Senior Living <br />118 i. Consider Second Reading of Ordinance 11-14 to Rezone Certain Property <br />119 from GB, General Business to R-4, High Density Residential <br />120 ii. Consider Resolution No. 14-138 Approving Final Plat <br />121 iii. Consider Resolution No. 14-139 Approving Development Contract <br />122 City Planner Larsen explained that this requested action involves a 39 -unit assisted living facility to be <br />123 located at 77th Street and Lake Drive. Staff is requested approval of the development contract, the <br />124 final plat (the council previously approved the preliminary plat) and a rezoning ordinance since the <br />125 land is currently zoned for general business. She used a PowerPoint presentation to review the site, <br />126 final plat (including right/of/ways), and the project's consistency with the preliminary plat and <br />127 comprehensive plan. She also noted the project's park dedication fees, development contract, and <br />128 recommendation of approval by the Planning and Zoning Board (final plat). When Council Member <br />129 Stoesz asked where snow would be pushed, Ms. Larsen said it will be removed from the site. <br />130 <br />131 Mayor Reinert remarked that this project is obviously high density, not something preferred in Lino <br />132 Lakes, but since it is a senior housing project it is acceptable. He wonders how the city can be <br />133 assured that the project will remain senior units. Ms. Larsen responded that the units involved <br />3 <br />