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COUNCIL MINUTES November 24, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />134 wouldn't function as apartments and also the conditional use permit involved doesn't allow for a <br />135 change. <br />136 <br />137 Council Member Rafferty moved to waive the full reading of Ordinance No. 11-14. Council Member <br />138 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />139 <br />140 Council Member Kusterman moved to approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 11- <br />141 14 as presented. Council Member Roeser seconded the motion. Motion carried: Yeas; 5; Nays <br />142 none. <br />143 <br />144 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve Resolution No. 14-138 as presented. Council Member <br />145 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />146 <br />147 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve Resolution No. 14-139 as presented. Council Member <br />148 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />149 <br />150 6B) Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Celeste McDermott <br />151 i. Consider 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 10-14, Amending Chapter 1007 of <br />152 City Code, Lino Lakes Zoning Ordinance <br />153 ii. Consider Resolution No. 14-140 Approving Summary Publication of Ordinance <br />154 No. 10-14. <br />155 <br />156 Economic Development Intern McDermott explained that staff is requesting that the council approve <br />157 the second reading of this ordinance that basically updates the format of the city's zoning ordinance to <br />158 make it consistent with the city's code of ordinances. The only amendment not related to format <br />159 relates to airports and is non -substantive in nature. A resolution accompanying the report requesting <br />160 summary publication. <br />161 <br />162 Council Member Rafferty moved to waive the full reading of Ordinance No. 10-14. Council Member <br />163 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />164 <br />165 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 10-14 <br />166 as presented. Council Member Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried: Yeas; 5; Nays none. <br />167 <br />168 Council Member Roeser moved to approve Resolution No. 14-140 as presented. Council Member <br />169 Rafferty seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />170 <br />171 6C) Consider Resolution No. 14-141, Approving Professional Services Contract with WSB, <br />172 Birch/Centerville Road Street and Utility Improvements — Community Development Director <br />173 Grochala reviewed the planned improvements in the area of Birch Street and Centerville Road. Staff <br />174 is requesting approval of a proposal by WSB to provide preliminary design and related serivces. <br />175 <br />176 Council Member Rafferty moved to approve Resolution No. 14-141 as presented. Council Member <br />177 Stoesz seconded the motion. Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. <br />4 <br />