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COUNCIL MINUTES December 8, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />46 <br />47 Resolution No. 14-146, Approving Transfers for <br />48 Partial Installment Payment on Interfund Loan for <br />49 Recreation Complex Land Approved <br />50 <br />51 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />52 <br />53 A) Public Hearing — 2014/15 Property Tax Levy and 2015 Budget — Finance Director Rolek <br />54 gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the 2015 proposed budget as follows: <br />55 • tax levy, what is included and what was reduced from the prelimninary budget; <br />56 • a historic view of the city's tax levies; <br />57 • property values; the tax base has increased; <br />58 • the proposed tax rate, and a view of past rates; <br />59 • distribution of levied funds (schools, county, etc); <br />60 • tax computation process (value minus market value exclusion times tax rate) <br />61 • how the city's taxes rank in Anoka County; <br />62 • proposed 2015 budget process (calendar, steps to setting the budget); <br />63 • what's included in the city budget; <br />64 • the sales tax exemption approved by the Legislature has saved the city money this year; <br />65 • proposed revenue for 2015 (including a transfer from the Closed Bond Fund); <br />66 • proposed expenditures for 2015; <br />67 • the water and sewer enterprise budgets <br />68 <br />69 Council Member Roeser noted that the city council has reduced the city's budget for the past six years <br />70 but now the city is growing again and it is important to plan for that growth and the future. He also <br />71 noted that the city doesn't control all of its costs such as payments to the Metropolitan Council, union <br />72 wages, pensions, road work that is needed, etc. He also noted that the tax bill that property owners <br />73 received earlier in the year with the preliminary tax amount has been lowered by the council. The <br />74 council did choose to utilize some reserve funds; those are true reserves that were set aside but not used <br />75 and can now be drawn down to a proper level to avoid being eaten up by inflation. The city will <br />76 maintain a fifty percent reserve. He noted a charter amendment previously forwarded to the council <br />77 that ultimately was not on the ballot but that would have caused the city to collect more in taxation than <br />78 is proposed. <br />79 <br />80 Council Member Kusterman noted that this will be his first budget consideration as a city council <br />81 member. One of the reasons he ran for office was to help build trust in government. He believes the <br />82 council's job is to ensure that government functions well, providing needed services efficiently and <br />83 effectively and this budget does so. <br />84 <br />85 Council Member Rafferty offered thanks to staff for their work on the budget. It's been a joint effort. <br />86 <br />87 Mayor Reinert added that he came to the council with a "healthy distrust" of government. He can <br />88 assure the citizens that this council gets involved in the work of budget planning and drills down as <br />89 much as necessary to a good product. He is comfortable that the presented budget has been worked <br />90 down correctly. <br />2 <br />