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COUNCIL MINUTES December 8, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />1 CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />2 MINUTES <br />3 <br />4 DATE : December 8, 2014 <br />5 TIME STARTED : 6:35 p.m. <br />6 TIME ENDED : 8:10 p.m. <br />7 MEMBERS PRESENT : Council Member Stoesz (arr. @7:15 p.m.), <br />8 Kusterman, Rafferty, Roeser, and Mayor Reinert <br />9 MEMBERS ABSENT <br />10 <br />11 Staff members present: City Administrator Jeff Karlson; Finance Director Al Rolek; Chief of Police <br />12 John Swenson; Environmental Coordinator Marty Asleson; and City Clerk Julie Bartell <br />13 <br />14 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />15 <br />16 No one was present to address the council regarding a matter not on the agenda. <br />17 <br />18 SETTING THE AGENDA <br />19 <br />20 The agenda was amended to remove Items 4A and 4B to be considered at the December 15th City <br />21 Council Meeting. <br />22 <br />23 CONSENT AGENDA <br />24 <br />25 Council Member Roeser moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items lA through 1F, as presented. <br />26 Council Member Kusterman seconded the motion. Motion carried; Council Member Stoesz absent. <br />27 <br />28 ITEM ACTION <br />29 <br />30 Consideration of Expenditures: <br />31 <br />32 December 8, 2014 (Check No. 99314 —99388, <br />33 $703,609.57) Approved <br />34 <br />35 November 24, 2014 Council Work Session Minutes Approved <br />36 <br />37 November 24, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes Approved <br />38 <br />39 Resolution No. 14-144, Authorizing Transfer of <br />40 Funds from the Area and Unit Fund to the 2005B G.O. <br />41 Improvement Bond Debt Service Fund Approved <br />42 <br />43 Resolution No. 14-145, Authorizing an Interfund Loan <br />44 From the Sanitary Sewer Fund tot the 2005A G.O. <br />45 Improvement Debt Service Fund Approved <br />1 <br />