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Exhibit A <br />B. Elected Official Directors — For "Major Financial Decisions" of ACFPC: <br />1. Each City/Township Member shall be represented by one (1) of its elected <br />officials, or the official's alternate in the official's absence. <br />2. One (1) vote per City/Township Member shall be counted when voting. <br />Moreover, votes shall be weighted pursuant to the cost -share model, and seventy- <br />five percent (75%) of the cumulative weight of all the Members is required for <br />passage of all items. <br />3. The elected officials shall meet at least annually, to approve the ACFPC budget <br />and ensure proper fiscal accountability. Additional periodic meetings may be <br />necessary as required. <br />Section 2. Governing Powers. Pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement and Minn. Stat. <br />§ 471.59, the Joint Powers Board shall have all the duties and powers necessary and appropriate <br />for the overall direction of ACFPC, including but not limited to: <br />A. To perform any and all duties imposed upon them collectively or individually by law, by <br />the Joint Powers Agreement, the Bylaws, and/or the Policies & Procedures; <br />B. To appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and, except otherwise provided in these <br />Bylaws, prescribe the duties and fix compensation, if any, of all Officers, agents, <br />employees, independent contractors, and/or committees of ACFPC; to prescribe powers <br />and duties for them; and to fix their compensation; <br />C. To manage and oversee the affairs and activities of ACFPC, and to make policies and <br />procedures; <br />D. To enter into contracts, leases, and other agreements which are, in the judgment of the <br />Joint Powers Board, necessary or desirable in obtaining the purposes of promoting the <br />interests of ACFPC; <br />E. To acquire real or personal property, by purchase, exchange, lease, gift, devise, bequest, <br />or otherwise, and to hold, improve, lease, sublease, mortgage, transfer in trust, encumber, <br />convey, or otherwise dispose of such property; <br />F. To borrow money, incur debt, and to execute and deliver promissory notes, bonds, <br />debentures, deeds of trust, mortgages, pledges, hypothecations, and other evidences of <br />debt and securities; <br />G. To indemnify and maintain insurance on behalf of any of ACFPC, its Directors, Officers, <br />agents, employees, or independent contractors, for liability asserted against the entity or <br />incurred by such person in such capacity or arising out of such person's status as such, <br />subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 471.59 or other law/equity; and <br />3 <br />