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Exhibit A <br />Section 6. Vacancies. If a Member's representative is removed or resigns, the <br />City/Township he/she represents must nominate another qualifying representative to serve on <br />ACFPC's Board. At no time shall any participating Member go unrepresented or have fewer <br />than one (1) representative amongst the Fire Chief Directors as well as one (1) representative <br />amongst the Elected Official Directors. <br />Section 7. Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to Directors of ACFPC for their <br />services, time, and efforts. Directors, however, may be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable <br />actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. <br />Section 8. Open Meetings and Government Data. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Chapters 13 <br />and 13D, all meetings, including executive sessions, must be open to the public when required or <br />permitted by law to transact public business in a meeting, and records of those meetings must be <br />recorded and made available to the public upon reasonable request. The minutes of meetings <br />shall record all votes taken at the meeting, including the vote of each Board Member on <br />appropriations of money, except for payments of judgments and amounts fixed by statute. <br />Government data must also be made available to the public upon reasonable request. The Board <br />may close a meeting only under circumstances allowed or required by the Minnesota Open <br />Meeting Law. <br />Section 9. Public Comment at Meetings. A minimum of fifteen (15) minutes shall be <br />reserved at each Board of Director meeting for comments and requests for business to be brought <br />before the Board by employees, volunteers, and/or interested community members. The Chair of <br />the Board may reasonably limit individual speaking times. <br />Section 10. Annual Meetings. An annual meeting shall take place in the month of January, <br />the specific date, time, and location of which will be designated by the Chair of the Board. If the <br />Chair fails to select a place for the annual meeting, it shall be held at ACFPC's registered office. <br />The annual meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing the Officers of ACFPC, as well as <br />the consideration of any other business that may be properly brought before the Board. This <br />shall include, but not be limited to, Board reports regarding ACFPC activities and financial <br />position; authorization of the annual information return for submission; approval of <br />policy/procedures, Joint Powers Agreement and/or Bylaws changes; and input toward the <br />direction of the ACFPC for the coming year. <br />Section 11. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Joint Powers Board may be held at <br />such time and place as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the Directors. If <br />the Board fails to select a place for a regular Board meeting, it shall be held at ACFPC's <br />registered office. The agenda shall be: <br />• Call to Order <br />• Roll Call <br />5 <br />