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Exhibit A <br />• Reading and Approval of Minutes of the preceding meeting <br />• Approval of Agenda of current meeting <br />• Reports of Officers <br />• Reports of Committees <br />• Old and Unfinished Business <br />• New Business <br />• Adjournment <br />Section 12. Special Meetings. The Secretary of ACFPC shall call a special meeting upon the <br />written request of any Director. If the Board fails to select a place for the special Board meeting, <br />it shall be held at ACFPC's registered office. <br />Section 13. Notice. Written notice, including the date, time, and place of the meeting, shall <br />be provided to each Director at least five (5) calendar days in advance of any meeting. Notice <br />shall not be provided more than sixty (60) calendar days in advance of any meeting. This notice <br />shall be given personally, by mail, e-mail, telephone, or facsimile. The attendance at, or <br />participation of a Director in, any meeting requiring written notice shall constitute a waiver of <br />notice of such meeting, except where the Director attends or participates for the express purpose <br />of objecting to the transaction of business because the meeting was not lawfully called or <br />convened. <br />Section 14. Quorum. At all meetings, fifty-one percent (51 %) or greater of active Directors <br />shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all authorized business. If fifty-one percent <br />(51 %) or greater of active Directors are not present, no voting can occur; only an informal <br />meeting may commence. <br />Section 15. Voting. During Board meetings, votes shall be weighted pursuant to the cost - <br />share model, and seventy-five percent (75%) of the cumulative weight of all the Members is <br />required for passage of all items. <br />Section 16. Proxies. Voting by proxy shall NOT be permitted. <br />Section 17. Meeting Procedures. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority for all <br />questions regarding Board meeting procedures. <br />Section 18. Meeting Decorum. ACFPC shall follow best and lawful practices for <br />conducting business at Board meetings. The Joint Powers Board shall exemplify, communicate, <br />and enforce the expectation that meetings be conducted in an orderly and respectful manner. The <br />Joint Powers Board reserves the right to excuse any Director, Officer, member, guest, member of <br />the media, or audience participant exhibiting conduct that is disrespectful or disruptive to <br />meeting proceedings. Per Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, the Chair has the sole <br />responsibility to require order in a meeting. To that end, the Chair has the authority to call a <br />6 <br />