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Exhibit A <br />Section 7. Chair. <br />• The Chair shall be the principal Officer of ACFPC. <br />• Subject to the direction and control of the Board, the Chair shall have general active <br />management of the business of ACFPC. When present, the Chair shall preside at <br />meetings of the Board and of Committees. <br />• The Chair shall see that the orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect, <br />and, along with one other Officer of ACFPC, shall sign and deliver in the name of <br />ACFPC deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments pertaining to the <br />business of ACFPC, except in cases in which the authority to sign and deliver is required <br />by law to be exercised by another person or is expressly delegated by the Joint Powers <br />Agreement or by the Board to another Officer or the Executive Director(s). <br />• The Chair may appoint all committees, standing and temporary. The Chair shall be a <br />voting ex -officio member of all committees. <br />• The Chair shall certify the proceedings of the Board, and shall cast the deciding vote <br />when the Joint Powers Board is equally divided. <br />• In general, the Chair shall discharge all duties incident to the Office of Chair and <br />prescribed by the Board, and shall have such powers as may be reasonably construed as <br />belonging to the Chief Executive of any organization. <br />Section 8. Vice Chair. <br />• The Vice Chair shall act in the absence or disability of the Chair. <br />• The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair as requested. <br />• The Vice Chair shall compile and maintain a book of policies and procedures in <br />collaboration with the organization's legal counsel. <br />• The Vice Chair shall perform other duties as prescribed by the Board or by the Chair. <br />Section 9. Secretary. <br />• The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, all non-financial business records and <br />paraphernalia of ACFPC. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining all books, <br />correspondence, committee minutes, Membership lists, paraphernalia, and papers relating <br />to the business of ACFPC, except those of the Treasurer. The records and paraphernalia <br />shall be maintained at ACFPC's registered office. <br />• The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, true and accurate minutes of all meetings of <br />the Joint Powers Board and of the Executive Committee. Said minutes shall be kept <br />within the Anoka County Records Management System and a timely copy of all such <br />minutes shall be provided to each ACFPC Member. <br />• The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, all notices of Joint Powers Board meetings <br />and other notices required by law or these Bylaws. <br />8 <br />