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Exhibit A <br />Director, Officer, or member to order, and exclude non-members. If necessary to maintain an <br />orderly meeting, the Chair has the authority to remove a participant from the meeting. <br />Section 19. Written Action. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a Board of <br />Director's meeting may be taken by written action signed, or consented to by authenticated <br />electronic communication, by the number of Directors that would be required to take the same <br />action at a meeting of the Board at which all Directors were present. <br />Article VI — Officers <br />Section 1. Designation. Principal Officers of ACFPC shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, <br />and Secretary. At the discretion of the Joint Powers Board, other Officers may be elected with <br />duties that the Board shall prescribe. <br />Section 2. Election of Officers. Officers shall also be Directors of ACFPC as well as fire <br />service professionals, and must be elected at the annual meeting. Officers are elected by the <br />Joint Powers Board. Unless sooner removed by the Board, Officers shall serve for a term of two <br />(2) years, or until their successors are elected. A vacancy in any office may be filled by a <br />majority vote of the Joint Powers Board for the unexpired portion of the term. The Joint Powers <br />Board shall also have the authority to appoint such temporary acting Officers as may be <br />necessary during the temporary absence or disability of the regular Officers. <br />Section 3. Terms. All Officers shall serve a two (2) -year term. An Officer may serve an <br />unlimited number of terms. <br />Section 4. Resignation. An Officer may resign by giving written notice to ACFPC. The <br />resignation is effective without acceptance when the notice is given to the Board, unless a later <br />effective date is named in the notice. <br />Section 5. Removal. Any Officer may be removed from his/her position for just cause by an <br />affirmative vote of either the Fire Chief Directors or the Elected Official Directors. The matter <br />of removal may be acted upon at any meeting of the Board, provided that notice of the intention <br />to consider an Officer's removal has been given to each Member and to the Officer affected at <br />least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting. <br />Section 6. Compensation. Officers of ACFPC may, but need not, receive reasonable <br />compensation for their services, time, and efforts. The amount and frequency of payments shall <br />be reasonable, determined from time to time by the Joint Powers Board in accordance with the <br />Conflicts of Interest Policy, and be legally compliant with all state and federal employment, <br />nonprofit, and other applicable laws. In addition, Officers may be reimbursed for necessary and <br />reasonable actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. <br />7 <br />