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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION December 1, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />91 surplus since the funds are generated by user fees. Public Services Director DeGardner <br />92 verified that the user fees are set at an appropriate level; one change that has impacted <br />93 costs is the school district no longer charging for use of their facilities (unless after hours <br />94 staff is required). The council discussed skate park possibilities. The mayor noted the <br />95 area of Birch and Centerville Road and wondered if it makes sense to use the surplus <br />96 funds for the signage and parking that the council discussed earlier. Mr. DeGardner <br />97 recommended against that use at this time since Community Development Director <br />98 Grochala is preparing to bring forward for discussion a comprehensive plan for the area. <br />99 <br />100 Mr. Rolek also distributed and reviewed information on the equipment replacement <br />101 budget. <br />102 <br />103 Administrator Karlson offered comments on the city's budget. He recommends that the <br />104 council schedule a strategic planning session to set future priorities. An important <br />105 discussion will be about the use of city's reserves and the impact on future budgets. <br />106 Mayor Reinert noted that he sees the reserve use as very manageable and the city's <br />107 finances as a whole in very good condition. He concurs that a planning session can be <br />108 scheduled. Council Member Roeser noted that the council consciously moved to <br />109 reduce the city's reserves because interest rates on that money are historically low and it <br />110 was the responsible thing to do; the city has maintained a healthy reserve. He concurs on <br />111 the importance of long-term planning especially with new development coming. Finance <br />112 Director Rolek explained that, for rating agencies, the city's outlook for operations and <br />113 willingness to plan for the future is important. <br />114 <br />115 The public hearing and adoption of the 2015 budget will be on the next council agenda. <br />116 <br />117 4. MnDOT Municipal Consent Request — I 35E from Little Canada Road to County <br />118 Road J — City Engineer Hankee reviewed her written report, noting that MnDOT is <br />119 telling the city about an improvement planned on Highway I -35E that would impact a <br />120 small area of the roadway located in the city. This would be a MnPass lane improvement <br />121 that is occurring as a result of their study and with the goal of reducing congestion. The <br />122 improvement would include no cost to the city but they are requesting municipal consent. <br />123 She gave a presentation on the location of the project and also reviewed the MnPass <br />124 Program objectives. Council Member Roeser expressed concern that the project is <br />125 already well in place with no real concern for what the city thinks. <br />126 <br />127 Community Development Director Grochala reported that MnDOT is requesting action. <br />128 The next step options he sees are: to do nothing; to have MnDOT come and review their <br />129 request with the council; to hold a public hearing; or approve a resolution giving consent <br />130 to the improvement. An impact of no support could be that MnDOT chooses to stop <br />131 the project at the city border and that could possibly cause a poorer traffic transition. <br />132 Mayor Reinert suggested that the project doesn't represent any intrusion to the city and <br />133 although there may be concern about the program itself, what the state is asking of the <br />134 city doesn't have any negative impact. <br />135 <br />3 <br />