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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION December 1, 2014 <br />DRAFT <br />136 5. 2015 Street Reconstruction Project Update — Community Development <br />137 Director Grochala and City Engineer Hankee updated the council. Mr. Grochala noted <br />138 that the Street Reconstruction Program was approved by election this year and includes a <br />139 project for 2015 — the Shenandoah area consisting of about two miles of roadway. Under <br />140 the program there would be no special assessments and the costs would be paid through <br />141 the sale of general obligation reconstruction bonds. There is no water main included and <br />142 the area already has sewer lines (some minor repairs at the city's cost could be included). <br />143 He noted that communication throughout the project will be vital and that effort <br />144 commences with a meeting for the residents to be held at city hall on December 16 at <br />145 7:00 p.m. The city's engineering firm, WSB, will continue to work on their proposal for <br />146 the project. The council discussed the project schedule and Mayor Reinert said he has <br />147 some concern that the project not drift too later into next year. Ms. Hankee added that <br />148 information on the project will be continually posted on the city's website so that will be <br />149 a good way to keep people informed and right up to date. <br />150 <br />151 Not on Printed Agenda Item — White Bear Lake Lawsuit Update — Community <br />152 Development Director Grochala reported that he has received information regarding a <br />153 settlement reached in the lawsuit; he briefly reviewed the terms of the settlement. The <br />154 City is included in the "Phase 2" area of the settlement and there is no timeline associated <br />155 with that phase. The settlement does include a goal to reduce water consumption within <br />156 involved areas. He doesn't feel there are direct implications for the City, certainly not in <br />157 the short term. <br />158 <br />159 Not on Printed Agenda Item — Award to Police Chief — Mayor Reinert noted that <br />160 Police Swenson has been recognized with an award. He has earned the master level <br />161 certification of the Minneapolis Chiefs of Police Association. <br />162 <br />163 6. Anoka County Fire Protection Council JPA — Chief Swenson explained that <br />164 the Council (ACFPA) has been around for many years but without the legal status that <br />165 would come with a joint powers agreement with the jurisdictions involved. With the <br />166 new data system, this group needs to execute a JPA. He explained the funding formula <br />167 for the system — basically it is tied to calls for service, market value and population. That <br />168 figure for Lino Lakes equates to 5.91 %, although he anticipates the figure to drop since <br />169 the number of fire calls is expected to decrease. The structure of governance of the group <br />170 is two bodies — one consisting of elected officials that set the budget and authorize <br />171 expenditures over $50,000, with a weighted voting system based on the contribution <br />172 figure. <br />173 <br />174 When Mayor Reinert said he'd like to understand the upside for the city's participation, <br />175 Chief Swenson said it includes participation in the mobile application, dispatch and the <br />176 records system. The mayor wondered if there are limits to future involvement and the <br />177 Chief responded that there are limits set by statute. The mayor and some council <br />178 members expressed the need to understand the implications long term and therefore the <br />179 council decided to postpone action on the matter to the second council meeting in <br />4 <br />