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COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 24, 1997 <br />Mayor Landers explained that personnel matters need to be dealt with in a closed door session. <br />He also stated the consensus of the Council was to go with the letter that was provided by the <br />attorney the City hired. He emphasized that the attorney handling this matter was not the City <br />Attorney. Therefore, it is his recommendation to leave the letter as is and it is any Council <br />Members prerogative to vote no in regards to the letter and the Consent Agenda. Council <br />Member Lyden stated he vote "no" as he believes it is wrong. <br />Council Member Bergeson asked if it is not typical that when there is a question on an item that <br />it be segregated into a separate vote. Mayor Landers responded yes but he was told Friday in <br />regard to the letter, if consensus was made to move it as a separate item on the agenda, it would <br />happen. But if there is a majority who believe the letter is fine as is, then it would stay on the <br />consent agenda and be voted on with the other consent agenda items. <br />Council Member Bergeson pointed out that since Council Member Lyden is not in favor of <br />Resolution No. 97 -31, but may be in favor of the other items on the consent agenda, it should be <br />made a separate item. He stated his understanding of a consent agenda was to group together <br />routine items that would have the consensus of the Council. <br />Council Member Kuether moved that Item 1B, Resolution No. 97 - 31 Regarding Reprimand be <br />removed from the consent agenda and voted on following the consent agenda. Council Member <br />Lyden seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />• Council Member Kuether moved to approve the consent agenda as amended. Council Member <br />• <br />Neal seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />ITEM ACTION <br />MINUTES, January 3, 1997 Approved <br />MINUTES, February 24, 1997 Approved <br />MINUTES, March 10, 1997 Approved <br />Resolution No. 97 - 31 Voted on Separated — See Below <br />Approving Reprimand <br />Resolution No. 97 - 38 <br />Redesignation of Community Development Block <br />Grant Funding for 1997/1998 <br />DISBURSEMENTS: <br />Approved <br />March 24, 1997 (Ck. 447176-47270, $201,863.99) Approved <br />PAGE 2 <br />