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04/14/1997 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/14/1997 Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 14, 1997 <br />Resolution No. 97 - 45, Amending the Employee Approved <br />Personal Computer Purchase Plan <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Joel Tagg, 7504 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes appeared under open mike to discuss his property entry <br />easement. He referred to the information he received at the last Council meeting regarding the <br />proposed closing of his easement. Mr. Tagg referred to a letter he sent to each Council member. <br />Mr. Tagg explained that back in the early 70's there was a trade for approximately 217,000 <br />square feet, approximately five (5) acres, for an eighth of an acre, or 17,000 square feet, of <br />easement into his 28 acres. Mr. Tagg referred to the value of this easement to him, not so much <br />in terms of financial as the right to use his easement as it sits today. <br />Mr. Tagg stated Roger Butler of Anoka County Highway Department has informed him the <br />County has recommended his easement be closed upon completion of the commercial <br />development of the Village Project. Mr. Butler also pointed out that Mr. Tagg is currently not a <br />part of the City's project. Mr. Tagg was also informed the City refers to Mr. Tagg's driveway as <br />a road; it is not a road, it is his driveway. He was told a driveway is harder to close off than a <br />road and that is what the City is trying to do. Mr. Tagg stated he was also informed he could <br />develop his property since he is a separate entity and the easement would have to remain as long <br />as he was not connected to the City's project. <br />Mr. Tagg stated Mr. Wessel's response to any concern or question raised regarding his property <br />or Arctic Sandblasting, is "the City doesn't need you, stay as long as you like, and we'll build <br />around you." Mr. Tagg pointed out he has over -length, over -height and over -width trucks <br />coming into his business and asked if the City want them coming in the boulevard and coming <br />across to his property. This would turn the road into a temporary access which at any time could <br />be changed. Mr. Tagg said he does not believe this is right. <br />RECYCLING DEPARTMENT, JACKIE CONSTANT <br />FIRST READING, Ordinance No. 08 - 97, Repealing Section 507, and Replacing Section <br />507 with Ordinance No. 08 - 97, Solid Waste Organized Collection - Ms. Constant explained <br />the Council passed a resolution at the February 24, 1997, Council Meeting instructing Staff to <br />prepare an ordinance to establish organized collection. This resolution enabled the Solid Waste <br />Advisory Committee and interested parties, including the licensed haulers to prepare an <br />ordinance to establish an efficient collection system. <br />Council Member Kuether asked if the ordinance was the actual contract between the hauler and <br />the City or does ordinance this give permission to enter into a contact. Ms. Constant replied this <br />is the organized collection ordinance, it does not address the contract. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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