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05/21/1997 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/21/1997 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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COUNCIL WORK SESSION MAY 21,1997 <br />PUBLIC FACILITIES RECOMMENDATION, RANDY SCHUMACHER <br />Mr. Schumacher explained staff solicited proposals for an architect for the Police <br />Department building and the Early Childhood building. Staff has received 13 proposals <br />and four (4) firms were interviewed. Staff is recommending Leonard, Parker and <br />Associates be hired. This company has been in business for 40 years. They have a solid <br />record and have also received many prestigious awards. Council Member Kuether asked <br />if this firm would help with the YMCA design. Staff said yes. <br />This matter is on the May 27th Council agenda. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that he has met with the Centennial School District to get <br />specific details of their needs. The proposal is for a 12,000 square foot building to be <br />constructed by the City and leased to the School District for 10 years. The most important <br />benefit to this plan is that the City will put a total package together for the civic complex <br />in the Village. The School District needs this building by the fall of 1998 <br />The City Council asked several questions: Why is the School i to be <br />located in the Village? Mr. Schumacher explained that c es<� S _ ��' � istrict is <br />leasing space in Circle Pines but is looking at buying es with an old <br />building on it. The old building would be reno g ated in the civic center <br />on land that is already tax exempt would ep >ds i ino Lakes on the tax rolls. <br />What makes the School Distr <br />of 10 years? The School 1' <br />that space will be avai <br />What is the cost <br />$1,000,000 depen <br />ill not need the building at the end <br />declining student population. This means <br />r more of the current buildings. <br />y Childhood building? Staff explained approximately <br />the needs of the School District. <br />An amended concept plan for the Village was displayed. The Town Center Committee <br />has amended the concept to include all three (3) of the civic buildings. Staff noted that the <br />buildings could be connected either above or below ground. <br />Council expressed concern that the civic complex be a special place. Staff explained that <br />the architecture will make it special. The need to be functional and within budget was <br />emphasized. <br />Staff explained that no decisions have been made regarding financing of the civic <br />complex. Council asked for a complete financing package so that when a particular <br />building is proposed, it will not be a surprise to the Council. <br />Chief Pecchia told Council that the location of the Police Department building is very <br />important because of the need for quick response to all police calls. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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