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COUNCIL MINUTES January 25, 1999 <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one appeared under open mike. <br />Mayor Sullivan stated citizens need to be careful about parking cars on the street due to plowing. <br />The snow plows go out after two (2) inches of snow have accumulated. Children playing in the <br />snow banks along the streets need to be careful of the snow plows. <br />Mayor Sullivan announced there will be a Town Center Committee meeting on Tuesday, <br />February 2, 1999. The meeting will include a presentation of the Environmental Overlay for the <br />Town Center. <br />Mayor Sullivan stated that Senator Jane Krenz was in the City last week, ' nator. Krenz <br />indicated she would like City staff to meet with her at the Capitol to discuss TIF issues. Another <br />issue discussed was Equity Based Funding and what she can do help :Senator also <br />spoke about a bill she is working on to move the authority relating to speed units within school <br />zones to the local authority instead of the County. <br />Council Member Dahl moved to close open mike at 6:35=p.. Council Member Lyden seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT, DAN TESCH <br />Consideration of Depository, Lakeland National Bank - Mr. Tesch stated the addition of the <br />Lakeland National Bank to the Ci % li t til depositories simply means that should the City <br />decide to enter into financial tr tins nth this bank, the City will be able to do so. Staff <br />recommended Lakeland National $ 'be added to the City's list of official depositories. <br />Council Member Berges, <br />of official City depositories <br />unanimously. <br />moved to approve the addition of Lakeland National Bank to the list <br />ouncil Member Lyden seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />Consideration of Lead of Absence for General Maintenance Employee - Mr. Tesch stated <br />that a long-time employee of the City has requested a one year leave of absence. Based on <br />anticipated work load requirements, reason for the leave and staffing considerations, the City <br />Administrator and Public Services Director are recommending a six (6) month leave of absence <br />for this employee. <br />Council Member Lyden moved to approve the six (6) month leave of absence. Council Member <br />Dahl seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Consideration of Additional Annual Appointments - Mr. Tesch referred to a memo which <br />outlines additional annual appointments. This will complete the Council's annual appointments <br />with the exception of advisory boards position which will take place at the February 22, 1999 <br />council meeting. <br />2 <br />