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04/19/1999 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/19/1999 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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• <br />BOARD OF REVIEW APRIL 19, 1999 <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />MINUTES <br />DATE April 19, 1999 <br />TIME STARTED 6:30 p.m. <br />TIME ENDED 7:14 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT Council Members Bergeson, Dahl, Neal and <br />Mayor Sullivan <br />MEMBERS ABSENT Council Member Lyden <br />Staff members present: City Administrator, Linda Waite Smith and Clerk -Treasurer <br />Marilyn Anderson. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to conduct the Board of Review. <br />Mr. Todd Smith, Anoka County Residential Assessor introduce€ himself • r. Bruce <br />Munneke, Anoka County Commercial and Industrial Ap ser They have .repared the <br />1999 appraisal (valuation) of all parcels of property in,Lin akes f r the property taxes <br />payable in the year 2000. The purpose of the mecting w s to discuss property values with <br />property owners in Lino Lakes who feel thatteir pcperfy vias not properly valued. <br />Mr. Smith distributed an outline of the 1 <br />questions from the Council. <br />Mr. Munneke explai <br />has been a subst <br />commercial and <br />sstxtent/payable 2000 and answered <br />akes is in a growth period and because of this there <br />land values. He noted that he reviews all of the <br />properties each year. <br />David Hen uQ3rch Street - Mr. Henschel explained that the property value of <br />his property 1 increase $5,400 and asked what justified the increase. Mr. Smith <br />explained th.. r. Ed Thurston, Anoka County Assessor makes adjustments to land <br />values each year. His decision is based on sales of both raw and improved land <br />throughout the County. <br />Mr. Smith explained that structure values usually increase between 2% and 3% each year. <br />He bases his appraisal on sales in the immediate area. He noted that since Mr. Henschel's <br />property is located on Birch Street, the value is somewhat lower than the value of like <br />properties in the same area but located off of Birch Street . The difference in property <br />values is due to the busy, noisy street. <br />After further discussion, Mr. Henschel said he was satisfied with this explanation. <br />• Glenn Rehbein/Mike Winge, PIN. 08-31-22-44-0004 - Mr. Rehbein and Mr. Winge <br />questioned the value placed on the property that they own on the northeast corner of the I - <br />PAGE 1 <br />
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