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03/26/2001 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/26/2001 Council Minutes
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2/4/2015 2:26:52 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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• <br />• <br />COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 26, 2001 <br />City Administrator Waite Smith advised the City thought it could get the speed request through the <br />office of the Commissioner of Transportation. The Council will discuss this issue after the regular <br />Council meeting. <br />Ms. Heaser indicated she is confused about the process and the deadline. She asked if everything <br />would be taken care of by Friday. <br />City Administrator Waite Smith advised everything would be taken care of by the deadline on Friday. <br />No one else was present for open mike. <br />FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT, AL ROLEK <br />Resolution Nos. 01— 05 and 01— 19, Setting the Utility Rates for 2201— 2003, (3/5 Vote <br />Required), John Powell — City Engineer Powell advised the City Charter states "The Council shall <br />endeavor to make each municipal utility financially self-sustaining". The City staff has prepared cost <br />and revenue projections for the next three (3) years and is prepared to nd utility rates for <br />2001 through 2003. <br />Sanitary Sewer <br />The City's sewer rates are based on a quarterly charge p <br />unit that represents the daily volume required by a <br />one REU. Commercial, industrial and institution <br />flow they generate. <br />U is a residential equivalent <br />tial connection. One house equals <br />onverted to REU's based on the volume of <br />The major expenses related to sew e ' clu s e the cost of operating the system, Metropolitan <br />Council charges, and depreci . ' ciati • n relates to the cost of replacing the system after it has <br />reached the end of its usefu <br />The rate computation <br />basis. This includes co <br />increase does not occur <br />a 220 -unit increase in the number of connections on an annual <br />n by existing houses as well as new construction. However, if this <br />costs should also be proportionally lower. <br />The current sewer rate is $51.00 per quarter per REU with no usage charge. The proposed sewer rate <br />increase is as follows: <br />Effective March 26, 2001: $50 per quarter per REU + $1.00 per 1,000 gallons over 10,000 <br />gallons (based on winter usage) <br />Effective January 1, 2002: $51 per quarter per REU + $1.00 per 1,000 gallons over 10,000 <br />gallons (based on winter usage) <br />Effective January 1, 2003: $52.00 per quarter per REU + 1.00 per 1,000 gallons over 10,000 <br />gallons (based on winter usage) <br />2 <br />
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