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COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9.2001 <br />Mayor Bergeson advised the City Council will take a recess from the Board of Review to continue <br />with the regular Council meeting. <br />SETTING THE AGENDA <br />Council Member Carlson added Item 2A, Update on CSAH 49. <br />The agenda was approved as amended. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Council Member O'Donnell moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. Council Member <br />Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />ITEM ACTION <br />DISBURSEMENTS: <br />April 9, 2001 (Check No. 61458 — <br />61537, $90,654.40) <br />Centennial Fire District proved <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. John Hudgens, 6661 Pelican Pla <br />citizens group for CSAH 49. He s <br />roadway. He noted a noise stu <br />d and stated he is present representing the <br />like an update regarding any recent proposals for the <br />ducted a few weeks ago. <br />Mayor Bergeson advised e Cit t aware of a noise study. The City is aware of a traffic study <br />that was conducted. <br />City Administrator Waite S h stated she did receive a copy of a memo from the City Planner <br />regarding the preparation of an Environmental Impact worksheet. The noise study may have been a <br />part of that. <br />Mr. Hudgens asked if there have been any new proposals from the County. He also asked what <br />happened with the resolution that was sent to the County from the City. <br />Mayor Bergeson stated the City has been working on reducing the speed limit on the roadway. A <br />reduced speed will allow the County Engineer to design a different roadway. The speed limit <br />reduction has not yet been approved. <br />City Administrator Waite Smith advised when the County staff met with the Engineers for both <br />City's, it was discovered that there are more options for the roadway if there is a lower speed limit. <br />2 <br />