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03/05/2003 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
03/05/2003 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MARCH 5, 2003 <br />APPROVED <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />MINUTES <br />DATE : March 5, 2003 <br />TIME STARTED : 5:30 p.m. <br />TIME ENDED : 10:55 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT : Councilmember Dahl, Carlson, <br />O'Donnell, Reinert and Mayor Bergeson <br />MEMBERS ABSENT : None <br />Staff members present: City Administrator, Linda Waite Smith; Community <br />Development Director, Michael Grochala (part); City Engineer, Jim Studenski (part); <br />Chief of Police, Dave Pecchia (part); and NAC Principal, Al Brixius <br />QUAD CITIES POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION <br />Mr. Mike Delmont, City Administrator for Lexington, advised the City Administrators in <br />the four cities have been meeting for the past year and a half to discuss various issues <br />including the loss of state aid and police services. The goal of the discussions is to <br />provide the best possible services at the most effective cost. Information will be <br />presented this evening regarding a possible joint police department. He noted the City <br />Administrators are not prepared to answer questions this evening. If the four cities would <br />like to proceed, there will be many more meetings. <br />Mr. Jim Keinath, City Administrator for Circle Pines, distributed and reviewed <br />information on costs of police service for each City per capita vs. the cost of services for a <br />Quad Cities police department. He noted the numbers are based on three variable factors <br />including work load, population and valuation. <br />Mr. Keinath also reviewed information on proposed expenditures and revenues for a <br />Quad Cities police budget. He noted the salaries proposed are based on the salary <br />schedule for the City of Lino Lakes. The number of CSOs and officers would have to be <br />balanced at some point in the future. He advised there would be potential start-up costs <br />that were listed in the amount of $93,370. <br />Ms. Linda Waite Smith, City Administrator for Lino Lakes, distributed and reviewed a <br />floor plan of the current Lino Lakes police department. She noted the police <br />department's total space is approximately one-third of the Lino Lakes Civic Complex and <br />was designed with expansion in mind. In the event that the department outgrows the <br />current space, there is another one-third of the Civic Complex that is currently being <br />leased to Centennial School District. That lease will be up in 2009 and that space would <br />1 <br />
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