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03/05/2003 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/05/2003 Council Minutes
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2/6/2015 1:57:10 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MARCH 5, 2003 <br />APPROVED <br />• be available. It was noted that tours of the Lino Lakes police department are available by <br />• <br />• <br />contacting Chief Dave Pecchia. <br />Ms. Kim Moore Sykes, City Administrator for Centerville, advised the City <br />Administrators also discussed the elements of governing a joint police department. She <br />distributed and reviewed information regarding the Elements of Public Safety Joint <br />Powers Agreement. She noted the elements have just been suggested and could be <br />modified by the four cities. <br />Also distributed were list of advantages of a Quad Cities police department, additional <br />issues that were considered, and an organizational chart. Ms. Moore Sykes noted that the <br />biggest advantage to a Quad Cities police department is the financial savings and <br />maximization of officers on the street. <br />Mr. Keinath distributed and reviewed a proposed timeline noting the goal is to have the <br />department begin operation January 1, 2004. The timeline included tentatively scheduled <br />meeting dates to allow for citizen input, Council decisions, appointments, etc. <br />Mr. Delmont advised the first presentation of the Quad Cities police department was <br />made to elected officials, the Police Board of Commissioners and the current Police <br />Chiefs. There was a lot of input and it was a very positive meeting. <br />This portion of the meeting was recessed at 6:45 to move to the Lino Lakes City Hall. <br />The meeting was reconvened at 7:14 p.m. <br />QUAD CITIES POLICE FOLLOW UP DISCUSSION <br />Councilmember O'Donnell stated he thought the Quad Cities report was a great <br />presentation and he is very open to further discussion and investigation. <br />Councilmember Carlson stated she thinks the timing is right. She added she does have a <br />lot of questions and believes a presentation should be made to the public. <br />City Administrator Waite Smith advised some of the involved cities have already <br />scheduled public hearings. She noted the City needs a 10 day notice in order to schedule <br />a public hearing. She also suggested that a presentation could be made on cable TV. The <br />City Administrators need to know if all four City Councils want to move forward with the <br />project. She added that a public presentation could be made prior to scheduling a public <br />hearing. That issue will be discussed further at the next Council work session. <br />City Administrator Waite Smith stated the Annual Goal Setting meeting needs to be <br />scheduled. <br />
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