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03/08/2004 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
03/08/2004 Council Minutes
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• <br />• <br />• <br />COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 2004 <br />APPROVED <br />49 C. Consideration of Resolution No. 04-36 Abating Special Assessments on Parcel No. 30-31- <br />50 22-21-0001 <br />51 <br />52 Councilmember Carlson noted that the start of this issue took place in 1997, before any of the current <br />53 Councilmembers were serving on the Council. She clarified that the city owns part of the property <br />54 and Mr. Reiling owns part. <br />55 <br />56 Community Development Director Grochala stated this dates back to creating Hodgson Road. He <br />57 advised at the time the City went through Mr. Reiling's property. The City obtained, through <br />58 condemnation, the northern part of the property. He explained there were special assessments on the <br />59 entire property at the time, and through court proceedings those assessments were negotiated down, <br />60 with this $64,405.77 overlooked somewhere during the process. <br />61 <br />62 Councilmember Carlson asked if the full assessment amount was $586,000, and $406,000 were <br />63 abated. City Attorney Hawkins advised that there were assessments on both sides of the road. He <br />64 indicated at the time the assessments were appealed, and the land was found to have no value. The <br />65 judge negotiated the assessments down, and Mr. Reiling continued to pay them as time went along. <br />66 He noted that Mr. Reiling actually overpaid, and had to be issued an approximate $20,000 in refunds. <br />67 He indicated most of the remaining assessments were abated, but when that occurred the 2000 portion <br />68 was forgotten. He stated this is a clean-up item. <br />69 <br />70 Councilmember Carlson asked why the property is going tax forfeiture. She questions if Mr. Reiling <br />71 would be keeping the property after the City pays off this assessment. The City Attorney advised this <br />72 abatement is on the portion of property the City owns. <br />73 <br />74 Councilmember Carlson moved to approve Resolution No. 04-36 abating Special Assessments on <br />75 Parcel No. 30-31-22-21-0001. Councilmember Dahl seconded the motion. <br />76 <br />77 Motion carried unanimously. <br />78 <br />79 Resolution No. 04-36 can be found in the City Clerk's office. <br />80 <br />81 OPEN MIKE <br />82 <br />83 Mayor Bergeson noted that Mr. Glenn Rehbein passed away in an accident this past week. He <br />84 advised Mr. Rehbein was a longtime resident of Lino Lakes, and an important member of the city. <br />85 He stated Mr. Rehbein started his company in Lino Lakes 50 years ago with a pickup truck and grew <br />86 it to a major company in earth moving. Mr. Rehbein was involved in many major projects in <br />87 Minnesota, including Block E in Minneapolis, and was an integral part of the land exchanges that <br />88 took place for the Town Center in Lino Lakes. He stated Mr. Rehbein was an individual who did not <br />89 draw distinctions between family, friends and employees. He treated everyone the same. <br />90 <br />91 Mr. Wayne LeBlanc, 1677 Peltier Lake Drive, stated he is addressing the Council to make them <br />92 aware of coordination of trails taking place between Centerville and Lino Lakes. He indicated he is <br />93 on the Park and Recreation Committee in Centerville, and has been working on the issue of trails for <br />94 seven years. He stated several people have gotten together for this cause, and decided they had <br />95 enough information to apply for a grant, which has been submitted. He indicated they have been in <br />96 contact with Rick DeGardner, who is aware of what they are doing and supports the cause. He stated <br />2 <br />
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