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03/29/2005 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/29/2005 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Special
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SPECIAL COUNCIL WORK SESSION MARCH 29, 2005 <br />APPROVED <br />• 1 Mr. Shardlow advised the ultimate purpose of the unique AUAR approach is to provide <br />2 the Council with a comprehensive understanding of all of the relevant issues and a clear <br />3 knowledge of the opinions, expectations and hopes of all of the stakeholders about all of <br />4 the relevant issues, so that the Council can make the best possible decisions at the end of <br />5 this process. <br />6 <br />7 Mr. Shardlow noted scenarios to analyze include the City's existing Comprehensive Plan. <br />8 The rules also state that any known plans from property owners or developers must be <br />9 analyzed. The objective should be to analyze and understand the full range of <br />10 environmental effects associated with potential land use patterns. The "worst case <br />11 scenarios" or maximum impact cases must also be included. Studying the maximum <br />12 impact alternatives in no way means that the City has to approve those land uses. <br />13 Studying alternatives with significant differences gives the Council more information and <br />14 identifies opportunities for different mitigation options. If the Council is absolutely <br />15 convinced that they would never consider approving one of those scenarios, then it might <br />16 make sense to eliminate it. <br />17 <br />18 Mr. Shardlow reviewed the scenario revisions that have occurred since the March 3rd <br />19 Advisory Panel meeting as well as the occurring scenario revisions. He noted the next <br />20 steps in the process include providing information requested by the Council, present <br />21 development scenarios, and pass a resolution ordering the AUAR. <br />4 22 <br />0 <br />23 Mr. Shardlow asked what the Council would like presented at the April 11, 2005 City <br />24 Council meeting and for any specific questions that should be answered at that meeting. <br />25 <br />26 Councilmember Dahl requested more information on the various development scenarios <br />27 be presented at the next meeting. <br />28 <br />29 The various maps that were distributed were reviewed and it was noted that a <br />30 conservation development framework is on a separate map. <br />31 <br />32 After much discussion, the Council requested the following information and/or <br />33 documents: <br />34 <br />35 • A copy of the audiotape from the meeting <br />36 • A copy of the presentation given by Mr. Shardlow <br />37 • Information on greenways and the Comprehensive Plan map <br />38 • A list of agencies the document will be sent to <br />39 • Information regarding rules as far as what the City can do during the AUAR <br />40 process in relation to development <br />41 <br />42 This item will be discussed further at the April 6, 2005 Council work session. City <br />43 Council action will be requested at the April 11, 2005 regular City Council meeting. <br />1110 44 <br />45 The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. <br />
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