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01-24-2000 EDA Minutes
City Council
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
01-24-2000 EDA Minutes
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EDA Minutes
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PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED BUSINESS SUBSIDY TO H&L MESABI <br />EDA President opened the hearing at 6:20 p.m. Mr. Wessel informed the board that H&L <br />Mesabi was requesting tax increment financing (TIF) in the amount of $110,200 for the <br />purpose of constructing a facility in the Apollo Business Center. Ms. Divine stated that <br />the Minnesota Business Subsidy Law requires a public hearing if a public entity provides <br />a subsidy of more than $100,000. The granting of the subsidy should be evaluated by the <br />EDA in terms of meeting the EDA criteria, which include encouraging economic and <br />commercial diversity, and encouraging full utilization of existing infrastructure. The law <br />also requires that a business commit to a wage and job goal. This company has agreed to <br />a goal of one job within two years with a starting wage of $10 per hour, plus benefits. Ms. <br />Carlson asked to explain the benefits. Mr. Tom Immen, representing the owner, stated it <br />included medical insurance and vacation. <br /> <br />Mr. Batty stated that the EDA adopted broad criteria so that jobs can be looked at in <br />context with each proposal. The issue is whether the emphasis is on creating tax base or <br />creating jobs. Ms. Carlson noted she had approved the site plan at the Planning & Zoning <br />Board, but that job creation is a part of the statute and should not be overlooked. The <br />wage proposed is not considered a living wage. This needs to be a topic of discussion for <br />the city. Mr. Immen noted that the nine employees at the new facility have an average <br />wage of $57,000/year. However, if a job goal is set too high and the company does not <br />meet it, the loss of subsidy after making a large capital investment would be devastating. <br />EDA Member Carlson moved to close the public hearing. EDA Member Dahl seconded <br />the motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 00-01 APPROVING THE PROPOSED BUSINESS SUBSIDY TO <br />H&L MESABI <br />EDA member O’Donnell moved to approve Resolution No. 00-01 contingent upon final <br />project approvals by the city council. EDA Member Carlson seconded the motion. <br />Motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN <br />EDA AND H&L MESABI <br />Mr. Wessel stated that the development contract provides $110,200 in TIF. The <br />agreement removes $65,394 in assessments upfront, and reimbursed the developer the <br />$5,000 escrow upon completion of the building. The remaining $39,806 will be provided <br />on a pay-as-you-go basis toward land costs. The city will be reimbursed for assessments <br />and administration costs before the developer is reimbursed. The project’s local <br />contribution of $13,220 is covered by the loss of interest the city has lost on deferred <br />assessments. <br /> <br />EDA Member O’Donnell moved to approve the contract contingent upon final project <br />approvals by the city council. EDA Member Dahl seconded the motion. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />
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