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05-04-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-04-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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9/1/2015 11:53:35 AM
Creation date
5/27/2015 12:35:41 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION May 4, 2015 <br />APPROVED <br />45 Council Member Roeser noted that the City seems to have a situation where some <br />46 positions should have a higher salary range but also positions that should possibly have a <br />47 lower salary range. How can that be addressed? Ms. Antonsen responded that most <br />48 times the employer should look at both internal and external factors (market range) and <br />49 meld those two. She noted that the City doesn't currently have a grade system. If the <br />50 City determines changes are appropriate, you would move up positions that are down and <br />51 stay put with positions that are up. Considerations are based on points and market. She <br />52 used the example of the Community Development Director and she suggests that the <br />53 salary range for that position should be increased based on the market. In the case of a <br />54 position the City finds too high, she stressed that a view of the market is very important <br />55 since that position could be hard to fill if the salary range is low. There can be a situation <br />56 where the position is high demand in the market but the points are lower. <br />57 <br />58 Council Member Stoesz asked where does working conditions fit in Lino Lakes; it's a <br />59 great location to work. Ms. Antonsen clarified that the working conditions don't relate to <br />60 the location itself but rather the working conditions of the positions, i.e. lifting. <br />61 <br />62 Council Member Roeser remarked that a system of gathering data is important but at <br />63 some point it becomes a management decision. <br />64 <br />65 The council directed staff (Administrator Karlson) to provide a summary of the data for <br />66 the city and also specific market information for the position of finance director. <br />67 <br />68 2. Presentation of HeartSafe Communities- Officer Kristin Mobraten presented <br />69 information using a PowerPoint: <br />70 <br />71 - What is the HeartSafe program; <br />72 - The five links in the chain of survival; <br />73 - Why CPR and AED are important; <br />74 - Training is important because delay is deadly; <br />75 - Examples of quick response that have occurred within the City. <br />76 <br />77 The council received sample training on CPR and use of the AED equipment. The goal <br />78 of the program is to educate as many people as possible to save lives. <br />79 <br />8o 3. Liquor License for Elwoods Restaurant — City Clerk Bartell noted that the city <br />81 has received an application for an on -sale wine and beer license from an individual who is <br />82 not eligible because he already holds an off -sale license in the city. Section 701.06 of the <br />83 City Code prohibits the issuance of more than one intoxicating liquor license within the <br />84 city to any one individual. The applicant, Mr. Clayton Gratz, asked to address the <br />85 council on the matter. <br />86 <br />87 Clayton Gratz explained his plans to open a family friendly sandwich shop in the city. <br />88 He provided a copy of his proposed menu. He has always planned to include wine and <br />89 beer service. He began meeting with staff on his plans in March and was straightforward <br />2 <br />
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