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2014-021 Council Resolution
City Council
City Council Resolutions
2014-021 Council Resolution
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Last modified
7/16/2015 10:28:36 AM
Creation date
7/14/2015 10:42:55 AM
City Council
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o All single family dwelling and garage elevations shall include a variation in <br />exterior building materials such as brick, stone, rock face, concrete block, wood, <br />stucco, vinyl, steel, fiber cement and aluminum siding. <br />o Side or rear loaded garages are permitted. The elevation facing the street shall <br />require a minimum of one (1) window. <br />o The garage doors shall incorporate architectural design features such as decorative <br />windows, panels, hinges, etc. <br />o Garages in excess of two stalls shall be broken up so the additional stalls are <br />recessed from the main garage facade. <br />o Garage width does not exceed 32 feet; and <br />WHEREAS, the regulations and performance standards of the zoning ordinance and R-2 Two <br />Family Residential District will be in effect unless otherwise stated in this resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, these PUD flexibilities are provided to allow for a variety of detached single <br />family housing products that are in current market demand vs. standard townhome medium <br />density development. The PUD flexibility also compliments walkable neighborhoods, protects <br />the greenway corridor and reduces the development footprint and impervious surface area; and <br />WHEREAS, Outlot C shall be developed in a future phase as an age -restricted (55+ years of <br />age) multiple family dwelling consistent with the regulations of the R-4, High Density <br />Residential District with underground parking for 50% of the required stalls and at a density of <br />20 to 25 dwelling units per acre; and <br />WHEREAS, future development of Outlot C shall require a PUD Final Plan/Final Plat, <br />Development Contract and Site Plan Review; and <br />WHEREAS, the City's Utility Staging Plan establishes the pattern, timing and location of future <br />growth; and <br />WHEREAS, the "Development" spans two different Utility Phasing areas (1A and 1B); <br />WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan allows for specific projects to occur early in a five-year <br />phase within a staging area based on the following criteria: <br />a. The proposed development must be located within both the current and the next ten-year <br />staging area, or five-year phase, or located adjacent to the current staging area. <br />The "Development" spans the 1 A and 1B five-year phase. <br />b. The proposed development must be master planned. Small, piecemeal developments do <br />not justify redefining the ten-year staging area, or five-year phase. <br />The "Development" is a Planned Unit Development master plan. <br />c. The proposed, master planned project must provide discernable public values. <br />The "Development" provides discernable public values by meeting the purpose and <br />intent of the PUD -Planned Unit Development as noted previously in this resolution. <br />2 <br />
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