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12. This is one phase of the larger Behm's development area, which is a significant <br />commitment to the community. <br />13. The proposed development complies with the City's Infill Policy outlined by <br />Resolution No. 92-85, because: allocation of MUSA reserve will put the site within <br />the MUSA; the development of the site has been analyzed for impacts on utility and <br />street system costs; the analysis determined that costs will be covered by assessments, <br />that operation and maintenance will not exceed normal costs, and there will be no <br />additional costs. <br />14. Existing roads are adequate to handle traffic from the nine new proposed lots. <br />Section 2. A public hearing was held before the Planning & Zoning Board on <br />January 10, 2001. <br />Section 3. Since the findings support the proposal, 2.55 acres of MUSA reserve shall <br />be allocated to the area included in the nine lots of the Behm's Farm Park Addition. <br />Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and <br />publication according to the Lino Lakes City Charter. <br />Passed by the Lino Lakes City Council this llth day of June , 2001. <br />er, Deputy Clerk <br />The motion for adoption of the foregoing ordinance was duly seconded by <br />Council Member Carlson and upon vote being taken thereon, the <br />following voted in favor thereof:Bergeson, Carlson, Dahl, O'Donnell, and Reinert <br />The following voted against same: None. <br />Whereupon said ordinance was declared passed and adopted. <br />