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(a) A site plan approval shall not be granted unless it can be <br />demonstrated by means satisfactory to the City, that the use <br />will not result in groundwater, soil or other contamination <br />which may endanger the public health, will not increase future <br />City utility service demands and expense, and will not <br />jeopardize public safety and general welfare. <br />(b) The commercial or industrial subdivision waives all rights <br />of appeal of future local public improvements under the Lino <br />Lakes City Charter. <br />(5) All subdivisions in areas without public sanitary sewer shall <br />be designed such that the larger non-sewered lots can be <br />resubdivided to provide smaller sewered lots when sewer becomes <br />available in the future. Homes and accessory buildings shall be <br />located on these lots so as to allow for future resubdivisions. <br />This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its <br />passage and publication. <br />ADOPTED by the Lino Lakes City Council this llth day of <br />October , 1993. <br />CITY OF LINO ES <br />`... Vernon F. Reinert, Mayor <br />Mari]yn,G. Anderson, City Clerk <br />Motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance was duly seconded by Council <br />Member Neal and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor <br />thereof: Bergeson, Elliott, Kuether, Neal, Reinert. <br />The following voted against same: none. <br />Whereupon said ordinance was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />