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(4) Re ul�atoij flood protection elevation. The re ug latory flood protection elevation <br />(RFPE) is an elevation no lower than one foot above the elevation of the regional flood <br />plus any increases in flood elevation caused by encroachments on the flood plain that <br />result from designation of a floodway. <br />(35) tikesf r interpretation of distriet z,.,wh4 .• eAnterpretation. The boundaries of <br />the zoning districts mare determined by scaling <br />distances on the ^Bela' zoning m _PFlood Insurance Rate Map. <br />(a) Where ' a conflict exists between the floodplain limits illustrated on <br />the official zoning map an is needed as to the exaet lee tie of the b etin ar-ies of the <br />distfiet, as shown on the offieial zoning map as for- example, W-hefe there appears to be <br />„ fliet between a mapped h•,,,nddry an actual field conditions, the flood elevations <br />shall be the governing factor. Tthe cloning Administrators must interpret the <br />boundary location based on the ,ground elevations that existing on the site on the date of <br />the first National Flood Insurance Program map showing the area within the re ul�atorX <br />floodplain, and other available technical data. shall make the neeessafy intefpr-et <br />(b)_Persons contesting the locations of the district boundariesy twill be <br />given a reasonable opportunity to present their case to the Board of Adjustment and to <br />submit their own technical evidence. <br />shall be . elevation no lower- •11..,n one feet above the ofey t;on of the 100 year- <br />L.,moo <br />A flood elev4ien plus any inefeases m flood elevation eaidsed by efier-eaehments <br />(6) e lies- i4elation. <br />(a) —Violation of the provisions of this ehapter- or- failure to eem with grants of var-ianees or- eenditional uses) shall eenstitute a misdemeanor- and shall be <br />punisha le as defined by law. <br />(b) Nothing herein eentained shall prevent the City of Line Lakes from taking ethe <br />l.,wfit aetioneeessar-y to prevent o remedyanyof do if the r-espensi <br />b, additional day that lapses shall • ns t„te ., additional yola4io •,fthis nb.., for <br />and shall be prosecutteda •„-.1iDg!.. Tb,osc actions may include, not limited to: <br />fines,City of Lino Lakes may iitilize the fiAl affay of enfor-eement aetions available to it <br />including but not limited to proseeution and > , <br />orders for- eofFeetive measttr-es or- a r-e"est to the Na4ional Flood instffanee Program fo <br />denial of flood insur-anee a-,�ailability to the guilty party. The eemffrdnity Midst aet in goo-, <br />2. When an or-dinanee violation is either- diseovefed by of bfought to the attention <br />of the Zoning Administrator-, the Zoning Administ-Fator- shall immedia4ely 4westigate thee <br />4 of 39 <br />