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situation md deeu+neat the nature md extent of the violation of the effleial eentrel. As <br />seen as is reasonably possible, this information will be submitted to the appropri <br />Department of Natural Resettrees and Federal Eraefgefiey Management Ageffey regional <br />offiee along with the eemmunity's plan of aetion to eeffeet the violation to the degree <br />possible-. <br />3. The Zoning Adrainis4ater shall notify the suspeeted party of the fequifernents <br />of this ehapter and all other offieial eentrols and the nature and extent of the stispeete <br />violation of these eontrels. if the structure an&of use is under construetion o <br />developmen4, the Zoning Administrator- may order- the eonstruetion or developm <br />immediately halted until a proper permit or approval is granted by the eeffiffluffity. if the <br />eonstmetion or development is aiready eornpleted, then the Zoning Administrator- ma <br />either <br />a. issue an order- identifying the eerreetive aetiens that m-Ust be made within <br />speeified time period to bring the ese or strueture into eornplianee with the offi <br />rtra <br />b. Notify the responsible party te apply for md after the <br />pefrait/development approval within a speeified period of time FkOt tE) eNeeed 30 days-7 <br />4. if the responsible p", does not appropriately respond to the Zoning <br />Adminis4a4er within the speeified period of time, eaeh additional day that lapses shall <br />eonstitute an additional violation of this ehapter and shall be preseetited aeeordingly. The <br />Zoning Administrator shall also, upon the lapse of the speeified response period, neti <br />the landowner to restore the !arid to the eondition w-hieh existed prior- to the violation 0 <br />thischapter-. <br />(7) hiterpi-etation. in their ifftefpretatien and appheation, the provisions of <br />ehapter shall be held to be mini . meats and shall be liberally eenstrued in -- <br />favor of the goveming body and shall not he- deemed a limitation or repeal of any other <br />powers granted by state statutes. Where a speeifie use or perfermanee standard is <br />(86) Abrogation and greater restrictions. It is not intended by this chapter to repeal, <br />abrogate or impair any existing easements, covenants, deed restrictions, or other <br />private agreements. However, where this chapter imposes greater restrictions, the <br />provisions of this chapter shall prevail. All other ordinances inconsistent with this chapter <br />are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency only. <br />(97) Warning and disclaimer of liability. This chapter does not imply that areas <br />outside of the Flood Plain (l..o,lay Dist.;,.*floodplain districts or land uses permitted <br />within these such districts will be free from flooding or flood damages. The chapter does <br />not create liability on the part of the City of Lino Lakes or its officers or employees for <br />any flood damage that may result from reliance on this chapter or any administrative <br />decision lawfully made under it. <br />(4-08) Severability. If any section, clause, provision or portion of this chapter is <br />adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of eernpetei4 jtirisdietionlaw, the <br />5 of 39 <br />